• Chapter five/Broken •

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6 yo

I growl at the sun shinning into my room. I don't want to get up today. I can't remember why I feel so lousy. Oh yeah now I remember. Cass left for the event...without me. I scream into my pillow and sob. I can't believe I let her go, not without me to protect her!!!

    "Cassy!" I pound on my bed letting my many tears soak my pillow. What did she say that made me let her go so easily? It had to have been one of her dirty mind tricks. She tricked me once when I was four, when she went to a fun party and said she would be fine but she never came home until a week later. I wanted to go with her to keep her safe from bad guys but she said no! She said it was for big girls only but I told her I am a big girl! She didn't believe me.

    "Cassy!" I scream louder.

    Mommy must've woken up from my crying because I feel her hand on my back even though I didn't hear her come in. How is she so sneaky like that?

    "Milly, what's wrong?" She rubs my back up and down. I squirm because it tickles.

    "Go!" I swat her with my hand my head still buried in my pillow. She doesn't though. Argh!

    "Have you seen Cass come in? She's not in her room or mine and I guess she's not in here either." She sighs. "I'm worried."

    I mumble nonsense into my pillow. I don't want to go.

    Mommy sighs. "Well, I'll go call Miche and Tatiana and see if they've seen her. She's probably out at her friends." She raises her hand off my back as she gets up. At the door she says, "I ordered pancakes. They'll be here soon. Get washed up and ready so we can gobble them up when they do."

    What if she can help Cass? I lift my head up and squint from the light from the light-window. Mom must've uncovered it when she came in. She can help Cass. I decide. She can help anyone.

    "Mommy wait!" I cry. I think she knew I was going to call her back because she comes in immediately. She's so smart, of course she can help Cass. "I know where Cassy is." I wipe my eyes with my palms and sit up straight on my bed. I promised Cass I wouldn't tell. I've never broken a promise like that before but this is a good break, it will help her. "She's at the event." I say it quickly so maybe mommy won't understand.

    She blinks. I think it worked! Then her eyes grow huge and her lips part. She starts to go crazy pulling at her hair and biting her lips pacing.

    "You sure?" She stops looking at me. I nod. She whimpers and continues pacing. "I've tried. God I've tried. I can't believe I let this happen..." She talks so fast I can barely understand. She says a lot of words I don't understand. "I did this. I let this happen..." Then she starts punching her forehead.

    "Mommy stop!" I get up and pull on her legs. "Stop your scaring me!" She ignores me. She doesn't stop. "STOP!!!"

    "I have to call Albert." She looks up and runs to the door. She finally turns toward me. "Breakfast will be here soon now wash up." To herself. "I have to call Albert...I'll tell..." She slams the door cutting herself off. Who is Albert?

    I make a silent apology to Cass. I hope she'll forgive me. I add an apology to mommy because it really upset her too. I hope one day I will get mommy powers and make everything better. Hopefully mommy can teach them to me.

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