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Akahana woke up, still a bit weak from the blood sucking torture. She slowly places her hand on the places where Ayato, Laito, and Kanato bit her.

"They're already healed," Akahana said. She noticed that she was wearing a plain white shirt, and no panties. ".... Well, it's not the first."

(Not in that way people! She meant that she had spent days without panties when she was in the woods!)

Akahana scans around her room for a hair tie. She finds one on a vanity, so she climbs out of bed for it. She ties a glump of the bottom of the shirt, so that the shirt doesn't flow that much to expose her a** and womanhood. When she finishes, she walks around the room to test it.

"....... All good. Now to go to Yu-chan's room," Akahana said, walking out of her room. She travels down the hall, making sure that her shirt doesn't travel up as well. She finally got to Yui's room. "I hope she's up!" Akahana thought, knocking the door.

"Come in."

Filled with delight, Akahana walks into the room, running when she sees Yui. "Yu-chan!"

Yui was shocked to see Akahana. "Huh? Aka-chan? Wah!" Akahana practically jumped Yui on her bed. Akahana was cuddling on Yui, and Yui was petting Akahana, which she likes.

"Aka-chan, why are you here?" Yui asked, sitting up after Akahana got off of her, "It's not safe here!"

"Exactly. That's why I came here. To keep our promise," Akahana said, sticking up her pinky finger.

Of course, Yui remembers about the promise. "Thank you Aka-chan... Um, Aka-chan. Why are you only wearing a large shirt?"

"I don't know really. Probably one of the Sakamaki brothers had nothing else for me to wear. I couldn't find my clothes when I woke up, so I assume that they're washing, or drying it right now," Akahana said, standing up from the bed. "Oh! Can I use one of your panties, Yu-chan?"

"Eh?! Don't tell me your not wearing panties!" Yui said shocked, but flustered. She quickly gets a pair of white panties from one of her drawers. She quickly hands them to Akahana.

"Thank you~" Akahana said in perfect English, putting on the panties.

Yui sighs. "Even though you look older than me, you still act like a child that you are."

"Miss. Kuriyama, I have your clothes," Reiji said from the door.

"Oh my god! Reiji! Knock on the door at least, but thank you," Akahana said, walking towards Reiji to obtain her clothes.

"It is our mouthly dinner party. You two have to participate," Reiji instructed.

"Oh? Is there also going to be visiting guests?" Akahana asked.

"No," Reiji said, then left.

Akahana and Yui looked at each other. Akahana shrugged and changed her clothes.


After Akahana finished changing, she and Yui headed to the dining room. What greeted them was a table full of 8 plates of fish, laid out for everyone.

"Good morning Wolf-chan~!" Laito said, putting his arm around Akahana.

"Good morning," Akahana responded, locking arms with Yui.

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