Sudden Events

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I have nothing to say about the picture.... I just put it there.... Say hi to half of my face and body.... •﹏•

Akahana's school days were going extremely well. She was already called the Princess in her class, soon enough to be Princess of the school, already the 2nd smartest of the class (1st is Natsu), and she was happy. Well, kinda. Subaru was still ignoring her after that event, and Shu kept drinking her blood everytime she practices playing her instruments in the Music room. As for the others, at time to time, Laito and Kanato will get their share of Akahana at the mansion. Ayato, however, is more focused on Yui.

"Hey Ayato, get out here already! I know what you're aiming for!" Akahana said, hugging Yui in her arms.

"Ha?! You should be the one who needs to get out! She belongs to Yours Truly!" Ayato said, pulling on Akahana's right leg.

Akahana kicked Ayato, but Ayato still had his grip. "I'm only keeping my promise with Yu-chan!"

Suddenly, Ayato pulled Akahana's leg so hard and Akahana was pulled to the ground.

"Ha! Take that!" Ayato said, looking down at Akahana.

"Aka-chan! Are you okay?" Yui asked worried.

"Don't worry Yu-chan, I'm completely fine," Akahana said, standing back up, then glared at Ayato, "Wanna go Ayato?" Akahana was in position to start battling.

Ayato smirked, and cracked his knuckles. "Hehehe... Let's do it!"

Akahana charged first and Ayato was in stance. Akahana did a double kick, but Ayato douged the two kicks. Ayato was ready to punch Akahana, but she flipped backwards a coulpe times. Ayato and Akahana charged and they both kicked high, impacting each other's leg. They both jumped back. Ayato smirked and was about to grab Akahana's shoulder, so Akahana ducked and did a uppercut. Of course, Ayato teleported 5 feet away.

"No fair! You're a vampire and you have the ability to teleport!" Akahana said stomping her feet.

"So what? I can do whatever I want," Ayato said, arranging his tie.

Akahana got angry and looked towards Yui's direction. "Yu-chan he cheated-" But Yui wasn't there, "Huh? Where did Yu-chan go?"

"You didn't notice? She exited the room during our battle," Ayato said nonchalant, "I would've said something to her, but you were about to hit me."

"I'm going to look for her!" Akahana said, then ran out of Yui's room. She looked left and right in the hall if Yui was near, but she was not in sight. She ran around the whole mansion, but there was no sign of Yui.

"Could you stop running? You're making so much noise," Shu said, laying on the nearby couch.

"Wah! Shu-san? Haa... You scared me there. Well, have you seen Yu-chan come past here?"

"Komori Yui... I think she probably went to a specific place... Speaking of which, she's Catholic right?"

Akahana gasped. "A church? Are you freaking serious?! *sigh* Well at least she won't be in trouble if she's at a church. Thank you Shu-san, I'll be on my way then," Akahana bowed and turned around to leave. But she was pulled back by a cold hand, holding her wrist.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 20, 2016 ⏰

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