First day of School

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After Akahana and Shu accidentally kissed, she spent the whole time in Yui's room. She told Yui everything that happened.

"And then he pulled me in and kissed me! What kind of male would kiss a female who they just met!?" Akahana angrily shouted, hitting the pillow on the bed.

"Hmm. I'm not sure what kinds of boys would do that," Yui said, slightly leaning her head to the right.

"Well actually, Shu-san is one of those men," Akahana pouted, hugging the pillow. Yui smiles at the silver haired girl, patting her head. Akahana blushes in response.

Yui looks at the clock to see what time it is. "You should get some sleep Aka-chan. Reiji-san will probably have you attend school at Ryoutei High School Academy."

"Huh? But it's still bright outside. Actually, it's only 10:26 a.m," Akahana said, looking outside, then to the clock.

"Well, the school is a night school. It's strange, yet very unique at the same time!" Yui said with a smile.

"... Well, if you enjoy the school, I guess I should too," Akahana said, walking towards the door, throwing the pillow to Yui. "I guess I'll go ask Reiji if I could chose what kind of uniform I want."

Yui catches the pillow and smiles at Akahana. "Okay, have a good rest Aka-chan!"

Akahana nods and walks out of the blonde's room to glasses-kun's room, A. K. A Reiji. Akahana knocks on the door, then waits to hear Reiji's voice.

"Come in," Reiji said from the other side of the door.

Akahana immediately opens the door and confidently walks towards Reiji when she sees him. She noticed that he's filling out a paper. "Is that a form for me to attend a school? It was Ryoutei High School Academy, right?"

"Correct. You will be attending today at tonight. And what do you need?" Reiji asked, still writing the paper form.

"Can I get the school's beige sweater instead of a blazer and all that other stuff that goes with the blazer? I'll wear the tie, white dress shirt, and skirt," Akahana said, with her left hand on her hip.

"Okay. Is that all?" Reiji said, finally looking at Akahana.

"Hmm. Oh yeah... Are there a Music club in the school?"

"... I guess you can call it that. Do you intend to join?"

"Absolutely. Is it possible for me to join?"

"Do what you what. Shu is apparently the owner of the Music "club". You can come back here after clubs with him," Reiji said, finishing the paper form.

"S-Shu-san?" Akahana said, her shoulders twitching because Shu was mentioned.

"Yes. Is there a problem with going back here with him?" Reiji asked.

"N-no! There isn't. Well thank you very much Reiji-san. I-I'll take my leave now," Akahana said, walking out of the room in haste. Akahana thought, "And I thought that I would be able to enjoy myself in a club that I would actually enjoy from the others!"

Akahana got to her room and changed into the big shirt she wore before and a pair of panties. "This shirt is so comfortable~" Akahana said, as she falls onto her bed, ".... But this bed isn't."

-------Time skip to before school-----------

"Aka-chan, it's almost time for school! Get up and take a shower!" Yui calls, gently shaking Akahana's back.

".... 5.....more..... minutes...." Akahana said between breathes.

"Aka-chan!... Then what do you love more: me, or sleep?"

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