The Secret Dancing Life -- Prolouge --

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Hey there!

I have re-written this story as i think there is so much more that i could do to it that i am not doing. You will have to bare with me and i would be greatful if you did. I hope you like the new re-write so comment and let me know.

Thanks and hope you enjoy!

Much love

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Chapter 1 –

       I dance for the stars. I know it sounds cheesy but it’s true. I dance for the stars. Okay maybe not that type of star but I do dance for stars. I dance for music artists, I dance in their videos and no one knows my secret. You think that I would tell everyone about it and live in a nice house with my family and have nice friends and spend lots of money. Not me. My life isn’t that simple. I live with an abusive farther and my mother left when I was ten years old. My farther abuses me because my mother left and it left him hear broken. He had no one else to take it out on but me. I have no other siblings for which I am grateful so they don’t have to suffer along with me. I lead a double life. I tell no one at school what I do apart from my one friend, Megan. She knows everything about my life from my farther abusing me to which music artists I dance for. I met Megan in freshman year when she bounced up to me and sat next to me when no one else did. She demanded to be my friend and when I refused she hounded me for days until I agreed. We have been best mates ever since. Even though I dance for music artists I hardly get any money at all. All my money goes to paying the bills for our house as my farther spends all his earnings on alcohol. I pay for the bills and the food. I also bought my own car and I have to pay for my fuel so I can get from place to place. At school I try to be invisible and not get too noticed. My luck has never been on my side as the school sluts think that it is okay for them to bully me. They have done everything to me and it doesn’t bother me, they can do nothing to me. They think that they are hurting me but they are wrong. I get hurt at home. They are always pushing me and yelling names at me. Their words mean nothing to me. They mean nothing to me. The only words that hurt are ‘you are nothing’ and ‘worthless’ as they are spoken by my farther often and I sometimes wonder if they are right. I let no one get close to me and I only dance because it keeps me living and staying sane but lucky for me Megan is always there to back me up and defended my corner. At school that is. By the way my name is Nora and I am 17 years old. I have long brown hair and matching chocolate brown eyes. I love to dance and without that I don’t think I could survive. I hope that someday to stop my double life and show everyone what I can do. Not even my own farther knows that I dance, for all he knows I could be lying dead in the street and he wouldn’t care. All he cares about is for me to give him food and to stay out of his way. That is fine by me. This is my story of I became a professional dancer full time and how I over came all the nasty bumps in the road on the way.


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thanks guys!

Much love <3

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