The Secret Dancing Life -- The End --

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here it is guys.

this is the end of another story and i hoped that you enjoyed it.





the next person to fan gets the dedication.


Chapter 7 –

        Today was the day that I would testify against my farther. Today was the day where he would be put behind bars once for all and I was excited. I was currently living with Lola and I was a happy. It felt strange being happy and I was still adjusting. It had been a week and already I was going to court to send my wretched farther down. So much had happened in a week and I couldn’t believe it. I had moved in with Lola as she had a spare room and I didn’t fancy going into care. The social workers had agreed for me to live with her and we were now in the process of her adopting me. Megan had been there for me the whole time and by my side. I don’t know what I would have done without her. School was a lot easier as no one even said one bad thing to me. They all knew what happened and understood. They all started to like me as a person but I still had some people who wanted to use me for fame. I was still dancing for the stars and I was loving it more than ever as I didn’t have to hide anymore. I had never felt so free and alive. Rihanna found out about the whole thing and understood everything. She was even going to testify against my farther as she had seen some of the bruises. She was a witness. I carried on with the rehearsals for the tour with Rihanna even though she protested and said that I needed to sort things out. I didn’t want to as the show was too close and we needed all the practice that we could get. I was now sat in the court room waiting for the trail to start. I was grinning ear to ear as I couldn’t wait. The jury was sat ready and waiting and Lola was sat beside me for support. Megan was in the audience as she had to give evidence and statements. Her mom was there for support and I turned to look at them. She gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled back. I knew that everything was going to be okay. I then turned back as the trial was about to start. The judge came in and we all stood as she came in. She sat and so did we. I then heard the door opened and I looked to find my farther walking through the door. I hadn’t seen him in the week and he looked haggard. He looked as if had aged 10 years in a week and I was shocked. He seemed to sense my stare and turned to look at me. He locked eyes with me for a moment and then turned away in disgust. He still blamed me for everything. I refused to be responsible. He sat down and a few police officers stood by him guarding. The trial then began. I had to give my story and I found it harder to tell it as it was to a room full of strangers. I let a few tears go as I explained about my mother and a few of the horrid beatings that I had suffered. I stayed strong and made myself tell the story. Once I had finished I was allowed to leave the stand. I got down and Lola stood up waiting for me. I went to her and hugged her; we then sat down and waited for Meg to tell her side. I felt sorry for her as she looked helpless there. She told her side of how she has been there for me and supported me when I needed the help and how she tried to get me to get some help. She looked at me and smiled a few times and I smiled back. She was the most amazing friend that I could have ever asked for. She was amazing. It was then his turn. My farther sat on the stand looking pleased with himself. Lawyers asked him questioned and he answered honestly. He didn’t care of what he had done and he even said that he wasn’t sorry and that I deserved it. I was disgusted and by look of the jury so were they. We sat in that court room for about 3 hours and I was glad when we went for a break so the jury to decide the vote. I got out of the room as fast as I could and outside so I could breathe. Once outside I allowed myself to breathe and not think about what he said. He cut me deep and I hoped that he got life for this and I hoped that he wouldn’t be out for a long time. Lola followed me out and hugged me. We said nothing knowing that there was nothing to say. She held me and I let a few tears go. I knew that it was stupid but I couldn’t help it. It hurt that he wasn’t even sorry.

         All too soon we had to go back into the courtroom for the verdict. I looked at the jury nervously and they gave nothing away. I sat down and my farther was brought back into the room. He sat down in his seat and the judge announced that the jury had come to a verdict. One of the jury members stood up and faced the judge.

“We have reached a verdict your honour.” The judge nodded and the jury member took a deep breath.

“We have come a vote that the he is guilty of abuse to his own child.” I couldn’t believe it. We had won. He was going down for a long time. I breathed a sigh of relief as I watched him being lead away. I wouldn’t have to see him for a long time and I was glad. I jumped up and hugged Lola. I could now leave my old life and live my new life with Lola.

         A year has passed and everything from my past feels like it happened a life time ago. I had a new life and I was happy. I was living with Lola and I was currently attending the academy of dance. I was studying all the dances and I was acing the courses. I was still dancing for the stars and I was loving it. The Rihanna tour was a huge success and it was amazing. We met Barbie backstage and she was nice to me. She said that she was sorry and I forgave her. I graduated and I had met some new friends. I still was best mates with Meg and we had to skype once a week as she went to Australia to study and I was missing her like crazy. I have now got a boyfriend who loves me for me and understands everything about me. Life was bliss. I was still doing dancing for music artists on the side and I was hoping that I could open my own academy of dance and teach people to dance. Lola still supported me and was still my instructor. Her business took off when I revealed my secret and now so many people want to be taught by her. Everything is great. I had a letter in the post today and it looked important. I sat down in the kitchen and opened it and Lola made me some coffee. I read the letter and just stared at the page. It was from the prison where my farther was. My farther had committed suicide as he didn’t want to go on anymore. There was a note left saying that it was my fault why he did this. Lola came and read the letter and gasped. I looked at her and smiled. It didn’t matter. I didn’t care, I was free and he couldn’t do anything to me. I felt nothing. I picked up the letter and put it in the bin. I turned and looked at Lola.

“You are okay?” She asked quietly and I smiled.

“Yeah. He can’t hurt me anymore.” I then went on about my life happy and free.


thanks for reading and hoped you enjoyed.




next person to fan gets the dedication.

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