The Secret Dancing Life -- The Truth --

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here it is guys!

the next chapter and i am sorry for the delay but it was the christmas holidays after all :P

i am going to make this story short as i am having trouble writing the story so yeah.

hoped that you like the chapter and plaese comment as i take the advice on board and it does come in useful!

Next person to fan gets the dediaction!





Chapter 5 –

        I got to school a bit later than usual as I had suffered another round of beatings from my farther. When I got there I noticed that everyone was staring at me. I got a bit disturbed so I put my hood up on my hoody and headed off to find Meg, I found her pining someone up against the wall. I rushed over and grab Meg and pulled her away. The girl she was holding fell to the floor, picked herself up and ran away as fast as she could, not before having a quick stare at me.

“What’s going on?” I asked hoping that she may have some answers to why everyone is staring at me.

“You haven’t seen it?” Meg asked timidly and I frowned.

“Seen what?” Meg pulled her phone out of her pocket and uploaded the school website. I saw that there was a YouTube video on the main page and was labeled ‘out secret dancer’ I felt my heart drop and hoped that it wasn’t me dancing with any celebs. Meg clicked play and I watched in horror as it was pixie Lott’s concert and you could clearly see my face smiling in the background as they zoomed in on us backing dancers. I watched as I danced away beside pixie smiling and looking happy as ever. The clip was short but it was enough to see what I really was. When the clip was over I was still staring at Meg’s phone until she put it away. I looked up slowly and felt my eyes brim with tears. My farther was going to find out and I would never make the academy. He would never let me leave.

“Who put that on there?” I croaked and I felt Meg put her arm around me.

“I just found out from that bimbo I was yelling at and it was Barbie.” I gasped and looked at Meg horrified.

“How did she find out about this? I was so careful!” I yelled.

“Obviously not careful enough.” I spun around and found Barbie standing there in all her so called glory. She stood there looking pleased with herself and I could tell that she had a plan up her super dry top. I didn’t like this one bit.

“Why? Why did you do this? I have done nothing to you!” I was furious and upset. I didn’t care what happened now. My secret was out and it wouldn’t take them long to figure out that I would be dancing for Rihanna. Barbie didn’t look fazed and she checked her perfect manicured nails. She shrugged and looked back at me.

“People should know the truth about you. People don’t like secrets, besides I always knew that there was something about you. The way you danced in dance, you always tried to look clumsy but we all could see that you had an unfortunate talent. We had to get to the bottom of it.” I stared open mouthed. I tried hard to cover up who was and I failed. My life was over. I looked back at her and let some tears fall.

“Aww there is no need to cry, have a tissue.” She pulled one out and offered it to me. I stared at it as if it was diseased.

“Take it then.” I shook my head.

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