The Secret Dancing Life -- School --

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 Hey there!

here is the other chapter that has been re-written and i think that the story is so much better already and it has a plot to it! Woooo! (i didnt have one before)

please read and tell me what you think as it is much appreciated.

next person to fan gbets the dediction (same as usual)




much love <3


Chapter 2 - 

         It was the first day back after the Christmas holidays and I was glad. It meant that I could spend the day away from my farther and suffer less brutal beatings. He was a clever man in making sure that he didn’t do it too hard when I was at school so I could cover them up more easily. I got out of bed and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and a hoody and headed for the shower. Once I was done I came back in a happy mood. I would be seeing Megan as she spent time with her family away. I dried my hair and pulled it up into a neat pony tail and pulled on a pair of converse. I had saved up for these and I loved them. I put on light make-up and headed downstairs hoping that my farther was asleep on the couch so I could leave quickly. I tip toed towards the kitchen missing all the creaky floorboards. I heard faint snores and I smiled. I headed into the kitchen and made myself a quick breakfast. I was putting the bowl away when he came into the kitchen.

“Where is my breakfast?” He bellowed and I paled. I turned around slightly and noticed the almost empty bottle of beer. I knew that I was in for it as he had a drink. I shot my eyes to the floor knowing that it was my best option.

“I am sorry sir, I thought that you were asleep and I didn’t want to disturb you.” I hoped that he would let me go this time. Wrong. He strode over to my side of the room in three large steps and backhanded me across the face. I bit my lip so I couldn’t shout knowing that it made it worse.

“What kind of excuse is that?! You are just like your mother! A worthless piece of nothing. Make me breakfast. Now.” He shouted again and I received another blow. I nodded weakly and quickly assembled his breakfast which had been the same as mine. Some toast with butter. I was careful not to burn the toast as I knew that he would flip again. He grunted and staggered over to the table and slumped into a chair. I walked over quickly with the plate and placed it gently in front of him and walked away.

“Where is the jam?” He yelled and I flinched. Damn. I had forgotten the jam. I cringed as I walked back over to him and picked the plate up.

“I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I stammered and he backhanded me again causing the plate to slip from my grip and smash on the floor. I knew that I was in for it now. He shot up from his chair and punched me across the cheek. I staggered back and he took the advantage and struck me again. I fell to the floor and felt his foot impact with my side. I groaned in pain and tried to be as quiet as I could as he kicked me over and over. Once he was satisfied he staggered to the fridge and grabbed another beer.

“You are a whore.” He muttered as he went back into the living room. I felt the silent tears roll down my face as I tried to get up. I managed to pull myself up and grab my bag. I headed out the door as quickly as possible and dived into my car. I then let the sobs flow and I cried my eyes out from all the pain. After I was done I wiped my eyes and inspected myself in the mirror and cringed. I already had a black bruise coming up so I grabbed some foundation from the glove compartment and dabbed it on gently. I covered most of it up before leaving for school. I pulled out of the drive way and drove to school feeling the ache of my ribs.

The Secret Dancing LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant