The Secret Dancing Life -- Help arrives --

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hey there guys!!

here is the next chapter and i hope that you all likes it!




next person to fan gets the dedication :D


Chapter 6 –

         We were in the office and I had mange to control my crying and I was currently sat next to Lola on the couch in the head masters office. Lola was rubbing my arm trying to comfort me but I felt nothing. I was numb. The head master seemed to be having trouble breaking the silence. Lola was just glaring at the headmaster and the head seemed to trying to avoid her gaze. He finally couldn’t take it any more.

“What happened out there Nora?” I looked up and found him looking at me full of concern. It reminded me of Lola. I looked up at her and she smiled encouragingly and smiled. She wanted me to speak out and tell them everything. She had been longing for this day and it was finally happening. She was smiling at me full of love. I smiled back a little and looked back at the head. I sighed.

“I don’t know where to start.” I confessed looking at my hands. It seemed alien to me that I could tell someone about all of this and something to be done about it. Lola seemed to trust him so I could too. I just didn’t know how to say what I wanted.

“Why don’t you start with your farther?” He said softly and I tensed. Lola took my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. I nodded and took a deep breath.

“Well my mother left when I was young and I broke my father’s heart and mine. I hide away what I felt as I knew that it would be hard on him. He started to go out and come back late drunk. He then hit me. The first time he hit me I just took it thinking that it was because he was upset from my mother leaving but then he carried on doing it. He then would go out every night to the bar and get drunk and come home and hit me. Whenever I fought back the beating was stronger and worse. He would hit harder and would carry on for longer. He then said that it was fault that my mother left him and that I was a waste of space. I then stopped fighting back and just took the beatings and they became a regular thing. I then learnt what annoyed him and what caused the beatings and did everything that he asked. I also started to wear make up to cover up the bruises. When I came to high school I didn’t want anyone to know so I wore that make up to cover it and the hoody. I then met Meg and she understood me and she found out about me. She told me that I should do something about it but I begged her not to say a word. I would go to her house after school where I could breathe and be myself again. Her mom then found out about the bruises and said that she was going to do something. I begged her not to saying that it would make things worse so she didn’t. She was then there for me and let me stay over whenever I wanted and helped me out from time to time with the covering of marks. She has been a god send to me and I am ever so grateful to Meg and her family.” I let more tears fall knowing that Meg had done so much for me and I had done so little in return. I felt awful. Lola nudged me encouragingly and I nodded. I looked back at the headmaster who seemed shocked beyond belief. He didn’t know what to say.

“As for the dancing well that came about before high school. I met Lola by pure chance when I was dancing in a competition before my mom left. She saw potential so she took me on and got me up to the standard I am now. She pushed me and had connections. When she felt that I was ready she hooked me up and then that was when I started to dance for films and mostly music artists. I started by being a backing dancer in a scene from a music video and then it just grew. I am now dancing on stage and going to tour with music artists. I am currently rehearsing for Rihanna. We are going on tour next week. Meg knew also knew about the dancing and was there to support me and help me out.” The headmaster nodded still clearly shocked about everything and I wouldn’t blame him. It was a lot to take in all in one go. He leaned foreword even further intent on hearing the rest of my story.

“So where does Paris come into this?” I looked at him confused. Who the hell was Paris?

“Who’s Paris?”

“The girl who you were arguing with.” I nodded. Oh. That was her name.

“So?” He prodded.

“Well ever since I came here she has never liked me or Meg and she was always trying to prove her point. She would always call me names down the corridor and say that I was a waste of space. She would say that I had no fashion sense and that I was a nobody. She would also trip me up and she has hit me before. I stood up to her not long ago and that earned me a hit and I got a cut across my face from it. She then started getting really interested in what I was doing when we started dance. I always tried to make out that I was a bad dancer but she wouldn’t leave it alone and she wanted to know more. I guess that she followed me to dance rehearsal the other night and watched. She then went onto the internet and YouTube me. She found a video of me on tour with music artists and put it on the school website for everyone to see. People then found out and that’s when this all kicked off. I lost it with her because I never did anything to her. I tried to stay out of her way but that wasn’t enough for her. She always wanted to make my life a more living hell. I snapped and then that’s when everything bubbled over. I shouted at her and told her everything and reveled what I was. She couldn’t take but I just don’t care. She shouldn’t get away with what she did to me. I never wanted people to find out because when I finished here, I had been accepted into the royal academy of dance and I was going to go there with Lola and move away from my farther. But now all this has happened there is no way in hell that I am going to go. He is going to find out and he won’t ever let me go. I am in for so much hell when I go home.” I whispered and dreaded what was going to happen. I was scared.

“Nora. You are not going home tonight. I am going to make sure that you don’t ever go there again. I am calling social services and the poilice and they can deal with him. I am going to make sure that you are safe once and for all. Don’t worry about Paris. I will deal with her and make sure that she is expelled so no more harm can come to you.” I shook my head.

“I don’t want you to expel her.”


“Because I have already punished her by showing her the truth. It shocked her and I could see that she felt so guilty. Punish her by letting he stay and face what she did. I want her to see my face everyday and remind her that she shouldn’t bully anyone else.” Lola took my hand and squeezed it tight.

“I am so proud of you.” She whispered and I smiled. The headmaster nodded and reached for the phone and got onto the police and social services. He explained everything and soon both parties were at the school and in the office with me. The police came and looked at my injuries and requested an ambulance to check me over. The ambulance crew came and checked me over and said that I was fine. I already knew that but the police wanted to reassure. Once they were gone they both sat and asked a serious of questions about what happened today and what goes on at home. I found that this time I could tell them more easily as I knew that they would protect me. I finally felt safe. It was dark by the time they had finished and school had been over for hours. The police went and arrested my farther. They told me that I had nothing to fear anymore and I believed them. I knew that I was going to be free soon. The social services let Lola take me home that night and I was glad. I didn’t want to be anywhere else. I slept soundly that night too. I just had face my farther in court soon and I couldn’t wait for the day to come. Court day here I come.





next person to fan gets the dedication :D

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