The secret Dancing Life -- standing up --

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here is the next chapter and sorry that it is short. hope you enjot it and sorry for the delay.




next person to fan gets the dedication as usual.

much love <3


Chapter 4 –

        We still hadn’t come up with a plan and I was getting worried. The concert was coming up in a couple of weeks and I was always dancing with Rihanna as an evening. Tonight I was meeting the other dancers and I hoped that I would see someone that I have danced with before so I wouldn’t be on my own. Meg wasn’t aloud to come tonight as Ri didn’t think it was a good idea. Secretly I bet that she just wanted to get rid of her as Meg had been worshiping the ground she walked or danced on. Meg was always drooling. It was quite scary. Meg and me were walking to my car at the end of school when the sluts started on me again.

“Hey loser! You going to loner club with dweeb?” I sighed and tried to walk past them not wanting to make a scene. I just wanted to dance. The lead blonde stepped in front of me.

“Where you going in such a hurry?” She said popping a bubble gum bubble.

“None of your god damn business.” I muttered. I was getting tired of this day after day. If it wasn’t my farther, it was the dumb blondes. I was reaching breaking point. I heard the blondes gasp.

“What did you say?” The lead asked bending down in her heels so she was eye level with me. Man her eye lashes were like caterpillars. Urgh. I looked her right in the eye.

“I said none of your god damn business.” Meg stood beside me grinning obviously liking the fact that I was sticking up for myself for a change. One blonde tutted.

“I wouldn’t let her talk to you like that ya know.” I rolled my eyes.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t.” I glared at her wearily as she took a step towards me. Meg stopped grinning and stood right in front of me.

“Don’t you dare touch her you rat!” She yelled and they looked stunned and I had to laugh. Meg always called them the rats as she said that their hair extensions looked like rats. That seemed to snap them out of it and they all glared.

“And what are you gonna do bout it little miss nothing?” The main cooed and I was starting to get irritated.

“Smash your face!” Meg yelled.

“You don’t know what my daddy could do to you.” Blonde growled and I snapped. How dare they take it out on Meg! I stepped foreword no longer afraid. They could do nothing to me. I stepped in front of Meg and glared at her.

“And what is your sweet daddy gonna do bitch?” I growled. People were starting to gather and I didn’t care. They needed to hear the reality.

“My daddy will make sure your expelled.”

Yeah why don’t you do that? At least I will be away from you and you annoying so called friends.” I said rolling my eyes and blonde went bright red.

“Oh did I hit a nerve there? Or is it because I’m sticking up for myself?”

“You take that back!” She took a step foreword and I stood my ground. She was nothing.

The Secret Dancing LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang