Before The Sun Sets: Part One

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This is the third to last chapter of the book. I hope y'all enjoy!

Also, HAPPY FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH Y'ALL! I'm doing full on goth get up today.

"How are you here?" Harry asked.

"Someone brought me back." Bellatrix said in a sing-song voice.

"Who?" He demanded.

"That, I unfortunately know. He may be my brother in-law, but her was a traitor in the end. Lucius thought that he could redeem himself by bringing me back. I do not easily forgive. So, I killed him."

Harry grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her against a wall and everyone came running. "Someone take her wand." He growled.

Draco stepped up to his aunt and grabbed the wand from her side.

"How dare you help the Dark Lord's greatest enemy Draco? First your filthy father and now you? You were on our side! TRAI-"

"Silentium." Draco said. "You need to shut up."

"Here's what we're gonna do Bellatrix," Harry said in a gruff, demanding voice. "I'm gonna let you go-"

"You can't do that!" Donna cried in alarm.

Harry turned to Donna. "Just wait." He looked back to the woman in his grip. "I'm gonna let you go and we are gonna meet when it gets dark at the park across the street. Its always empty and no one pays attention to it. Get it? Got it. Good. Now go." And he threw her out, in every sense of the word.


The rest of the day was filled with rigorous preparing. Metally, socially, physically, verbally. Theoretical plans were drawn up, spells were discussed, Donna wrote a letter to her friends and family just in case she died, and Harry and Draco kept to themselves for hours.

They were cuddling on the bed kissing each other lightly every so often.

"Harry, I love you." Draco sobbed.

"I love you too." Harry said and kissed him on his head, a few of Harry's tears hitting Draco's head.

"What if we die?" Draco panicked.

"We won't. Hopefully. Look, if we did die, we'd die by each others sides. Don't worry."

Draco took a deep breath in and snuggled his head into Harry's chest.

"The sun is going down. We should go." Harry sighed.

"Yeah. We should."

The two boys got up and and Draco kissed Harry. "I love you. I really do."

Harry chuckled. "I love you too."

A light kiss and hug soon turned into a heated make-out session.

"Do you wanna..." Harry asked, almost begging for consent.

"We could die in a few hours and I love you. Why the hell not?" And Draco pulled Harry down onto the bed.


"Look, I know you guys are doing the happy right now, but we gotta go." Donna said.

Draco and Harry scrambled around and Harry called, "No, we're not! We were um...Talking!"

"Sure you were." Donna scoffed and walked away.

"That was amazing." Draco said when they were both sure that she was gone.

"Was that your first?" Harry asked quietly.

"Erm, no." Draco stuttered, not lying well.

"It was my first too." Harry chuckled.

Draco just laughed nervously, simply out of embarrassment of being caught.

They got dressed and walked out, hands laced together.

"Alright! Let's go!" Harry shouted.

"Are you sure that both of you can still walk?" Blaise smirked.

They both turned a bright, vibrant red color.

"Was it that obvious?" Harry asked nervously.

"Well, we always knew Draco would be the loud one." Donna giggled. "We were just kinda waiting for it."

Draco covered his face with his hands and Harry laughed quietly.

"Lets just go..." Draco said, his voice muffled slighly from his hands.

Everyone picked up their wands, even a few axes and swords. They left, locking the door behind them. Although none of them admitted it, they were scared. They knew that Bellatrix would bring backup, and they were, in short, screwed.

In a clump of fear, sweat and silence, they walked in what felt like a funeral march to the nearby park. When they got there, they were nowhere to be seen. The park was empty.

At least, until they stepped on the grass. One death eater and at least ten bodies. Muggle bodies. All mangled and broken and dead.

All of them were breathing in the death and it was intoxicating. No, not the good kind, the bad kind. The kind that actually infected you. Every one felt their very being and existance was being pulled to the opposing side.

"Oh can you feel it kiddies?" Bellatrix giggled. "Its amazing. Now, I promise that you will live if you come over here. The only one we want to kill is Potter."

Blaise slowly walked forward as if in a trance.

"Oh goody!" She squealed.

Donna and Draco pulled him back and Donna slapped him. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" She gritted her teeth.

"I...I dunno. I just... I can't stop myself. " He said, clearly out if it.

"Just ignore it. Just focus on the mission. On us." Harry coaxed.

"Okay." Blasie to a a deep breath and let it out in a long, breathy, exaggerated sigh.

"So, Bella, where's your backup? Its just not fair anymore." Donna taunted.

"Oh, well, you see, you're my backup." Bellatrix smiled a sinister smile that could make anyone run and hide.

Everyone looked around, confused.

Ernie stepped forward. "I get it. She cast a speel on the park. To make everyone feel like they want to fight with her, not against her."

"Well, we can fight against that." Harry puffed out his chest in a sudden confidence.

"Maybe you can Potter. But the weak minded will fall to me. The ones who were loyal to the Dark Lord before this." Bellatrix laughed.

Draco tossed Harry a worried, concerned look, as did Blaise. Ernie's eyes fell and Donna didn't even seem phased. She just looked like her confidence was built even higher.

"Now, shall we fight?" Bellatrix taunted.

And the battle erupted.

May I, Potter?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora