CHAPTER 5 - How to be an obedient wench

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CHAPTER 5 - How to be an obedient wench. you don't.


Espen got the job she had never even wanted in the first place!

Even though it did help decrease the chance of her getting caught and thrown into jail, she still has to get out of this place soon without rousing any suspicion about her.

In other words, she has to be an obedient wench for a day or more until she devices a plan to escape.

But then after getting hired by the queen herself infront of the other servants to be her personal maid, she got quite the reputation in just a blink of an eye.

You might think that's good. But no. Bloody hell no.

Now, half the kingdom's people are talking about her. How is she going to escape quietly and peacefully without getting caught and recognized??

Sighing, she quickly strode towards Lady Elmore's room for she was being summoned.

Espen was basically avoiding anyone she came across with until she walked past a corner and bumped into something hard and made of metal.

Cursing quietly, Espen looked up with daggers behind her eyes and found Mira standing there with a confused look, the glare instantly faded.

"Oh, Emma! It's you! I heard you've been taken in by the queen herself." She tipped her head to the side, her short brown hair moving along with the movement.

Espen smiled slightly, not at all happy to run into her. "Oh, hey. Yeaah. You heard the news already? Wow, that was just this morning..." Espen tried to act normal.

"Well you know what they say, news travels fast. Or maybe the classic 'The walls have eyes and ears--" Mira began quoting awkwardly but Espen cut her off with a dissmisal wave of her hand.

"Geez, I get it. So..." Espen noticed that Mira wore a full body gold armor--from her neck to her boots--her gold helmet had a red feather sticking out from the top and was tucked under her arm.

Then everything clicked into place and Espen's eyes widened. "Oh. Y-you're a knight! A lady knight! Wow..." She began.

So Espen had been with a knight all along, it was a good thing she lied about herself or else she's finished before she even started.

"Yes, I am." Mira said proudly and with a high chin.

Playing along, Espen crossed her arms and smirked. "Must've worked hard too... You did it to get to the men?" Espen joked.

But Mira took it seriously as her eyes widened in alarm. "Oh dear god no! I did it for..." She began but then paused with a frown. "...personal reasons." She pursed her lips at that.

Espen observed the woman before her and knew something had happened in the past.

A past that she was not a part of or ever will be.

She shouldn't jump in carelessly into other people's mess for she has her own problems to deal with.

Sighing, Espen smiled easily. "Alright, I have to go. The mistress had called out for me to aid her in something." Espen said hurriedly.

"Ah yes, you should go..." Mira nodded stiffly.

Espen began to walk off slowly but then she was stopped by Mira's hesitant tone.

"Yea?" Espen hummed.

With a worried look that got Espen suspicious, Mira told her, "Be careful." In a sinister whisper drama voice.

Women of Valor [An Illegal Adventure Awaits!]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora