CHAPTER 14 - A BIG Misunderstanding

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•CHAPTER 14• - A BIG Misunderstanding

Espen spent the rest of the morning with her daily chore routines, constantly glancing at Rose's friendship bracelet with a sweet smile.

Espen really liked Rose too and wished to take her with her to escape her father's cruel treatment of her.

She smiled at the idea and hoped Rose would oblige for her own happiness and safety.

Walking down a hallway, Espen teared her gaze away from the bracelet when she heard mumbling and cursing up ahead.

Mira had a grumpy look on her face as she mumbled and stomped angrily towards Espen. "Not a word." Mira growled with gritted teeth.

Espen's eyes widened with shock and astonishment on how Mira...looked.

"Why, miss Mira, you're looking a" Espen tried to say it with a straight face but ended up trying to stifle a giggle.

Mira's entire skin was green, it was as if she decided to take a bath on green paint.

Espen poked Mira's arm to find that it felt just like normal skin though the color has changed.

"Well, you don't look better yourself. You look like you were swimming in a tub full of oil." Mira huffed and crossed her arms.

Espen raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" She asked and raised her arms to find that her skin did indeed look like it was dipped in cooking oil, it shined and shimmered with moist.

Espen's eyes widened with utter horror as she stood there rigidly and quietly looking at her arms.

I didn't notice this earlier, Espen thought as she rubbed each arm to find it slippery and oily.

"It must be the effects of the queen's lotions." Mira concluded with bored eyes as tears began to gather at the corners. "We were guinea pigs after all! Look at me, I'm green!" Mira exclaimed and ran away, teary eyed.

Espen stood there, holding her breath, silently keeping her horror in and thought 'this couldn't get any worse'.

But she was wrong.


Espen was called by the queen to help assist her for some napkin choosing in some great ballroom.

Espen walked in the doors to find a horde of men gathered there, the queen behind the group.

Espen blinked as they all turned to look at her. She recognized the man they were all surrounding.

Rose's father.

The purple eyed man glared coldly and pointed towards Espen. "There she is! The theif!" He roared as Espen's senses leaped around.

What's going on?  Theif? How did they find out?

"I never thought I was hoarding a fugitive under the palace's roof." The queen exclaimed out around the men and looked at Espen with disgust. "After all I've done for her." She addresses the men instead of Espen.

"Stop standing around and get that oily wench!" The man roared as the guards jumped from their positions to get Espen.

There was no use pretending anymore if they already found out who she is, Espen thought as she avoided a man about to jump at her with a spin, kicked the next man and rolled away from the others as she ran all about the grand room.

"What's this about?" Espen yelled at Rose's father, just to try and make conversation.

She ran behind a table as two men tried to predict which end she was going to go to and decided to split up. Espen slid down the wooden table as they arrived and flipped the table towards them, knocking them on the ground.

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