Chapter 8

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"Krystal it's time to get up!" I hear my mom yell as I'm still half asleep. I lazily roll over toward my phone to check the time: 6am. Ugh.
I slowly got up and went into the bathroom. I did my business, and as I was brushing my teeth I remembered that the twins are going to walk me to school today!

I finished brushing my teeth, then hopped in the shower. I washed my hair, and body, then conditioned my hair. Once I was done I grabbed a fluffy white towel and dried myself up. I wrapped the towel around myself and walked out of the bathroom. I turned on some music to get ready to. I turned on One Dance by Drake and walked to my closet to pick out an outfit.

I wanted to look nice since it is my "first" day of school at my new school. After thinking for a while I found the perfect outfit. I picked out a high waisted red skirt, a white crop top, and a denim shirt over it. Then I paired it with some tan lace up ankle boots.
I then dried my hair and put loose curls in it. For makeup, I just put on some concealer, a little bit eyeshadow, and mascara.

Once I felt I was done I put on a long gold necklace, and my watch. I put on some deodorant and perfume and went down stairs.

"Awe honey, you look beautiful!" my mom said as she came to hug me. "Thanks mom, where's dad?" I asked. "Oh he had to be at work early today" my mom replied. "oh ok!"

I made myself a toast with peanut butter and a banana for breakfast. Once I was done I looked in the mirror one last time. As I was doing that the door bell rang. OMF THEY'RE HERE.

"I'll get it" I yelled to my mom. I opened the door to reveal two smiling boys. "Good morning guys!" I said as I have them each a hug. "So are you ready to go?" Ethan asked with a smile. "Yup ! Let me just go say bye to my mom. You guys can come in if you want." I said opening the door. They both nodded their heads. Grayson has been very silent. That's weird. I went inside and grabbed my book bag and went to my mom. "Bye mom love you!" I said while giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Bye honey have a good first day!" she said to me as I started to leave with the boys.

I walked out of my house and closed the door. I turned to the boys. "So which way is the school I have no clue where to go." I said kind of chuckling. Grayson pointed to the right. "it's that way" He said. "So shall we go?" I asked as a put out both my arms so I can link them with theirs. They nodded and laughed as they took my arm and started to walk to school.


Once me and Ethan were ready to go we said by to my mom and started to walk to Krystal's house. Once we got there I knocked, I heard Krystal yell that she was going to get the door so I quickly made sure my hair was fixed before she opened the door. She opened the door and my jaw dropped. She looked gorgeous.

I quickly closed my mouth before anyone noticed. I haven't talked at all I have just been staring at her. Before I knew it she was coming in for a hug. I hugged back and she said she had to go and say goodbye to her mom. Me and Ethan walked in and waited for Krystal. Once she was done saying goodbye to her mom we left her house. "So which way is the school I have no clue where to go" she asked while laughing. She is so cute.

I told her which way and she held out her arms for us to link ours with them. We did and we started to walk to school.


We finally got to the school and I was getting nervous. what if everyone here doesn't like me. I hope they like me. I zoned out so much that I didn't even realize we were at the main office.
I went right up to the main office lady with the boys behind me.
"Hi! My name is Krystal! today is my first day here and I just need my schedule!" I said to the lady. she looked up and smiled at me.
"Well hello. I actually have your schedule right here. Here you go. Also do you want anyone to show your around." she asked

"No I think I got it covered, I already made some friends" I said smiling looking back at the boys. "ok then! Have a good first day!"

I waved by and walked out with the boys. they both grabbed my schedule. I'm guessing they wanted to see I had any classes with them. They did say they had the same schedule. After liking it over they started smiling.

"what do we have some classes together?" I asked. Grayson looked up. "nope we have all our classes together!" I smiled happily knowing that I will never not have a friend with me in a class.

"oh my god thank goodness I didn't want to be alone all day!" I said as I smiled. "well can we get going we are going to be late to class." Ethan said. Me and Grayson nodded and we started walking down the hall to class.

Once we got in the boys went and sat down their seats as I went up to the teacher to introduce myself.
"Hi, Im Krystal. today is my first day. Where should I sit?" I asked politely.

"hello dear, my name is Mrs. smith! and you can sit wherever you would like!" I smiled and walked away. I looked by Ethan and Grayson to see if there was an open seat and there was one behind Grayson.

I walked to the seat and set my stuff down. I turned to see who was sitting next to me and it was a girl.

Ok here's my chance maybe I can make a new friend.
I turned to her and said: "Hi my name is Krystal! Im new here."
She turned to me and smiled "Hi my name is Samantha. it's nice to meet you. Do you like it here so far?"
I smiled back. " Well I haven't really experienced anything yet but it's really nice here." I said.

We started to talk for a little while about how I met the twins and how we have become friends. She said that she was kind I friends with them. Her dad knows their dad. We were having a nice conversation up until some blonde girl came up to me.

"Excuse me, but your in my seat!" she said with a bitchy attitude. I looked at her with a confused look.
"Um, the teacher didn't say anything about assigned seats." I said with confidence. "Well I sit there sometimes and I want to sit there right now." she said again with a bitchy tone. 

At this point I'm annoyed.

"Sorry bout it but your going to have to sit somewhere else I'm not moving. Looks like there's a seat over there." I said pointing to an empty seat on the other side of the room.
She looked at me with disgust and walked away. I just rolled my eyes as she walked away.

I looked forward and I guess I caught the twins attention and they were looking at me with their mouth hung open. "what?" I said confused. "That was awesome!" Ethan said and Grayson nodded I guess in agreement. I just laughed and looked back at Samantha.

"Who was that bitch?" I asked her. "That's Chloe, Grayson's ex."



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