Chapter 9

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"Oh" I said thinking about how Grayson dated that bitch. I got snapped out of my thoughts when the teacher started taking. I paid attention to the teacher. I was never really the type of person to be "bad" in school. I was a goody-two shoes.

School was flying by. It was now time to head home. Me and the boys are going to walk home together. Sports are over now since it is the last week of school.

"Hey is there any good places to get ice cream around here? I'm really craving ice cream right now?" I asked the boys. Grayson's eyes lit up.
"YESS THERE IS ONE DOWN THE STREET LETS GO!!!" Then he grabbed my hand and ran down the street pulling me behind him.

I looked back at Ethan and grabbed his hand before we became out of reach. now all three of us are holding hands running down the street.
We are actually nuts.

Once we got to the ice cream place we got on line. There were only a few people there so we weren't waiting long. We ordered or ice cream and after a little arguing I got to pay for the ice cream.

We sat down at a table and we're eating our ice cream. "Hey guys, how often do you guys post vines? I want to make a vine but I don't know if it's too soon ya know?"

"Well it varies for us but you can make a vine. when you are starting off a new account you should try and get a lot of content on their so people will follow you." Grayson said.
"Ok I'm going to make one." I said smiling.
(A.N. Ok so I'm not a viner I can't think of vines so I won't get into detail about her the vines unless it is crucial to the story line or something.) 

After eating our ice cream and making some vines, we decided to head home.

"Ok tour guides which way?" I asked still not knowing my way around town yet.

As I was about to turn to them someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulder.( that sounded violent but it wasn't meant to be lol)

I looked around and realized Ethan was the one who picked me up. I was laughing "You know my legs work I can walk myself." I said laughing.
"Yeah I know you just looked kind of tired so I thought I would pick you up." He said. Grayson was walking behind me and Ethan so I was just facing him. having a nice conversation.
"So how many followers do you have on vine now?" Grayson asked. I opened the vine app to look.

"Wow, I have almost 15k." I said in shock. But it's not like I got those followers because of my vines. I only have them because of the twins. I guess I just got lucky to start out like this.

After a while of us taking and laughing we got back to our houses. By that time it was about 4:00pm. 

Ethan looks to gray. "Gray, did we need to do something today I fell like it was important." they both started thinking then as if they used twin telepathy they both shouted. "WE HAVE TO FILM A VIDEO!!" oh yeah tomorrow's Tuesday and they always post on Tuesdays.

"Do you guys know what you want to film?" I asked them.

"Yeah we were going to film a Never Have I Ever video with cam." Grayson said.

"Well get your asses in gear! that shit takes a long time to edit! If you guys need help I can help you film, like make sure the cameras in focus and that the lighting is good." I suggested.
"yes please!" Ethan said with a big smile like a little kid. I laughed and we ran into their house. Their parents weren't home yet so it was just us and Cam. 

The boys and I set up the lighting and stuff in Cam's room. They decided they wanted to film in there.

The three of them sat down on a couch infront if the camera as I was behind the camera.

Before they started, Ethan decided to do some push-ups to get more energetic for the intro. Personally I thought he did it to make his muscles look bigger in his tank top.
(A.N. I felt so bad for Ethan when gray embarrassed him in this video. I was like awwww poor Ethannnnn)

After trying for a while they finally got the intro down.

1,2,3.... "HEY GUYS WE'RE BACK!" 


Hey guys!!! I updated!!!! Yay!!!!!
This chapter was mostly filler. Here's the thing I know exactly how I want this story to go. Except I'm having trouble getting it to the point where it starts to really pick up ya know? Trust me the story is going to be a lot better REALLY SOON!!!

I have a question for you guys to answer in the comments.
Would you rather me update twice a week with smaller chapters or once a week with larger chapters? It's up to you guys and also tell me what day/days I should update.


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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