You might as well know

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*BEEP BEEP!* goes my alarm as i slowly rise from my resting. I yawn, extending my arms out stretching. I pick up my phone and see that it's 3:00! Oh NOO! i must have slept through my alarm, how long was the alarm going off. I scurry out of bed and got out of the house via the top porch. I run to school, being unseen going through the backway. As I walk I see brown, long hair. I continued walking and see Adrien and realise he's talking with Lila. "S-so you are the guy that said he was Chat Noir huh?" Lila says stroking her finger on his jacket. Adrien feels very uncomfortable  "y-yeah..." Adrien mumbles. "Well i have a secret...well...I'm Ladybug, for real" says Lila opening her eyes wider. "And how can i believe you when you lied to me about being Volpina" questions Lila raising an eyebrow. "Because i know you are Chat Noir, who else would know" Lila says stepping closer to Adrien. "O-Oh yeah" Adrien says stepping backwards a step. I hear all this and get infuriated. I step out from behind the wall and step in between them. They both step back and Adrien looks shocked while Lila looks extremely mad. "How did you know about the text messages Lila!?" I shout pointing my finger at her face. "AH EXCUSE ME!" screams Lila stepping forward angrily. Adrien is very confused and steps in. "Wait who is the one who has been texting me?" Adrien questions. "ME!" me and Lila chorus. I grab my phone and show him the texts and all the times we have texted. "I know that we ask a question each day and you're Chat Noir and you asked me if i was Volpina but i didn't tell you and you thought i was ladybug and...i...ugh...i am ladybug" I mumble" which one of you are the actual ladybug!?" Adrien shouts mad. Lila stares at him and looks worried. I smile and shout my catchphrase. "TIKKI SPOTS ON!" i shout as Tikki flies into my earrings and I start to transform.

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