Chapter 2: Closing Up

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CHAPTER 2 : Closing Up

      There was a big wait on getting out of the arena since it was so packed and I was furthest away from the gate, being in the front row. But once I did get out I remembered that I had to go back to the cart to close up later.

      On my walk back to the cart all I saw was girls screaming and telling their moms how awesome it was. I just chuckled to myself at the thought of these moms having to listen to that the whole ride home.

      When I did get back to the cart Jonathan was there by himself, since business slows down the darker outside it gets. After the costumer Jonathan was helping got what they wanted he saw me. "So... it was good I take it." He said smiling at me. "What makes you say that?" I ask grinning ear to ear. "Well for starters you haven't stopped smiling since I saw you walk up." "Oh right." I said. He got out of the cart and we sat out back behind it. "I guess you want to talk about how good it was about now." He chuckled. "About how amazing it was!!" I said not being able to contain myself. "He sang all of his song that I love, and he danced so much and he's so good at it, and you should have seen his arms..mmh." He started laughing at me and shook his head. "Ok just close up here in a bit. I'm going back to the camper." He said handing me an apron with the logo on it. "Ok will do." I replied. He started to walk away when I heard him yell "don't close up till the road seems empty for a while." I just gave him a thumbs up and tied my apron around my waist so the bow is in the front.

An hour and so later.....

      It's almost midnight and I'm still at the cart. There are people stopping by every now and then to get some ice cream or a smoothie of some kind. It's almost been 30 minutes and I haven't had a costumer so I'm going to close up.

      I clean all the dishes that were in the sink. I wiped down the counter and made sure everything was in its spot. I even went and dumped the bucket that fills up with water and other liquid through out the day and to dump that I have to unhook it from the truck and drag it across the road and dump it. Soon as I walked back in to shut the windows up for the night some guy in a grey hoodie walked up to the cart with his head down. I huffed and walked over to him "what can I get for ya sir?"

Austin's POV

      I was sitting on the tour bus after I finished up the concert and I couldn't help but have something on my mind. That girl. The one I sang to on stage. She was absolutely gorgeous. But this time it was different. I've had many beautiful girl on stage before but... this girl... she was special.

      I guess I was in such a daze that I didn't hear Bridget come in cause next thing I knew she had sat down beside me. "Austin hello? Austin? Did you hear me?" She said snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Oh, um what?" "What were you thinking about?" She asked with a curious grin on her face. "Oh.... Um... Nothing. Why?" I sorta stuttered out trying to play it cool. "Mmhmm sure... What's her name?" She asked without hesitating. "What do you mean 'what's her name'?" Bridget huffed very loudly and annoyed "the girl you were obviously thinking about." I just looked around the bus avoiding eye contact. "Ah ha!" She pretty much screamed causing me to almost have a heart attack. "So there is a girl!" She stood up now jumping around like girls do when their excited. "Was it that obvious?" I asked shyly. "Yeah it was, but whats her name? Who is she?" "Well...... I dont exactly know her name." "What do you mean you don't know her name?" I sighed loudly knowing I have to explain. "I mean its the girl I sang to on stage tonight." "Ohhhh she was cute." She says teasing me. I lightly chuckle and blush a little "yeah I know."

      "So go." Bridge said to me. I gave her a questionable look. "Go find her." She said more clearly this time. "But how will I find her? I don't even know her name." "So if you don't try to find her you'll never know..." She was right. I had to at least try to find her, but how? This fair ground is huge. Plus what if fans see me? Just then as all these thought came into mind Phill walked onto the bus. When Bridget saw him she said "oh Phill it's okay I can watch Austin for now." "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yeah take a break, go get some food." "Okay but if anything goes wrong contact me as soon as it happens." "Okay sure thing." She said getting him to leave. It's a good thing too cause I would never be able to leave on my own.

      "Now you can leave without getting in trouble. So go now." She said sternly. "Alright." I said. It was about 10:30 now so hopefully she's still here. I grabbed a grey hoodie and threw it on making sure the hood was up so no one would recognize me.

An hour and so later.....

      I've been searching everywhere, but I can't seem to find her. With my luck she probably left right after the concert.

      I've looked in all the barns, by all the games and I'm pretty sure I've walked around this fair ground at least twice now. I guess it's hopeless. She's not here.

     All I know is at least I tried right? I didn't take the easy rout. I haven't ate anything since before the concert and I'm starving. I could really go for a coffee, since now I have to find my way back to the bus.

     The roads have cleared out greatly. It's like nobody's even here anymore. There's just a few carts open, but probably not for long. So after a few minutes I found a cart with its lights still on and it had drinks on it and I can't even tell what the sign says its so dark. I just hope it has coffee and walk up to it.

     As I walked up I saw a girl who looked like she was cleaning up, probably getting ready to leave. When she saw me walk up she huffed and walked over got he window. "What can I get for ya sir?" I looked up and she wasn't even looking at me. She looked a bit familiar but I can't get a good look at her face. So I cleared my throat and she looked at me. Our eyes locked instantly. It's her. It's the girl....


so second chapter, whatcha think????? let me know by voting commenting or following me!

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