Chapter5: SnapChat

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Chapter 5: Snap Chat

        This was probably the longest day I've worked all summer. It was actually my last day too since school starts tomorrow. Jonathan's wife is coming down around 2 to take me home since I can't drive. Also it seemed long considering how much I missed Austin!

        Today was also my turn to work through lunch. I would be texting Austin right now but I don't wont to come off needy and scare him right away. Plus he hasn't even texted me yet today.

        Soon as it was 1:30 Jonathan relieved me so I could pack up my things. They were still going to be here for a few more days to finish out working at the fair.

        When I was at the camper packing up my phone went off, telling me that I had a text message. I grabbed my phone hopping it was Austin, but it was Jonathan's wife Courtney. "Just got here." It read.

"Ok I'm finishing packing up." I replied.

        Courtney came to the camper and helped me with my bags. "Are you hungry?" She asked me once we got in the car. "Yeah I haven't had lunch yet." "Where do you want to eat?" She asked. "Is there a Wendy's near by?" I asked. "Yeah just like 20 minutes away." "Ok cool." I put one headphone in and pressed shuffle on my music and watched things pass out the window as we drove off.
About 10 minutes into the ride I got a text. This time it was from Austin. "Hey what's up?"

I smiled since he finally texted me, an felt relieved that he actually did. "Heading out for lunch."

"Cool where you going?"

"Wendy's ." I said.

"I love it there" he replied.

"Me 2!" But after, I sent "so where's your next stop?"

"I'm not sure. I'll check later." He replied.

        Time passed by quickly now. I guess I was so into texting him that we were already parked at Wendy's and Courtney had to shake me. "Hello?" She said. "What?" My eyes wide. "We're here." "Oh ok." When we got inside she asked "what are you doing on that phone?" "I'm texting friends." I said hoping she would let it be, but of course she has to butt in. "Was it a boy?" She said in her girly voice. "yes, so?" I said. "Who is he? Do I know him?" She said excitedly. "No I met him at the fair." "We'll whats his name?" "It's Austin."

I texted back Austin sayin that I had to go since we were at Wendy's. "ok text me later."

I replied "Will do :)"

Austin's POV:

        "Dude!" Robert yelled in my ear. "What?" I snapped back. "You haven't put your phone down all day." "It's cause he's texting Allison." AC said in a mocking voice. "Who?" Robert asked. "He met her after the concert last night." Alex told him.

        They both sat down on either side of me on the couch and got up in my face and made kissy faces and noises. "Screw you guys." I said shoving them away.

        Once they backed off AC said "well what does she look like?" "She beautiful man." "Do you have a picture?" Robert asked. "No." "Does she have snapchat?" "I'm not sure." I answered.

"Hey do you have snapchat?" I texted her.

"Yeah it's alliekat_98." She answered.

I quickly added her as a friend and took a selfie. "That must mean yes." AC said jokingly.

"Hey" I wrote with it.

She sent back a pic of her grinning cutely and it read "hey:)".

        I quickly showed them the pic before the 10 seconds were up. "Man you weren't joking." Robert said. "Yeah she's hot." And I smacked Alex's arm. And he put his arms up in defense. "I was just sayin."

Allison's POV:

All day me and Austin have been sending pics back and forth. Like I sent one of the road or me taking a drink and he send one of the bus or one with his shades on. I love how we can just be ourselves and not care.

When I took a snapchat of Courtney driving and put "almost home"

he replied "can you drive?" With a snap of someone asleep.

"No." I replied. Then came the thing I didn't want to answer.

"So how old are you?" He asked with a snap of him with his eyebrow raised. He's so cute no matter what.

Austin's POV:

        "How old is she?" Robert asked a we chilled in the back. "I'm not sure." I answered. "Cause she has to be at least like 18." "You think so?" I asked. "For sure. You saw her." He got me thinking so I asked her.

        It was a cute snap of her with her eyes big with a normal face. "I'm 15" it said. 'How could she only be 15?' I thought.

        "Dude she's 15." I said. "No way." "Yeah." I replied. "We'll thats not bad." "Yeah but it doesn't matter, her age has nothing to do with how I think of her."

Then she sent another "how old are you?"

I answered "17." With a pic of Robert.

"Cool." Is all she said.


i hope everyone is enjoying this so far...

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WARNING NOW.... the next chapter is really cute!

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