Chapter8: VMAs

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Chapter8: VMAs

I woke up to alarm on my phone going off. Slowly I opened my eyes and looked at the time 6:10am. I groaned thinking of how early it is, but I have to get up and get ready. Plus it's an hour ride to the airport.

Finishing getting ready was just me putting my hair in a braid and put on some sweats since I'm going to change when I get there and it's a 5 hour flight. Grabbing my things I headed for the car and so did my mom. She said she would drive me down there and that she had to talk to me or whatever.
On the drive down I was basically still dead. I had headphones in and was scrunched up in a ball. "Allison." My mother said. "What." I said muffled. "Are you sure you still want to go?" This caught me off guard. I sat up in my seat. "Of course I do." I said looking at her like she was crazy. "Okay I'm just making sure this is what you want to do is all." She assured me.

I got comfy again in my seat when she said "also we need to talk about boys." "Moooom." I wined. "Really sweetie your going to be staying over night with him I need to make sure your safe." "Mother!" I yelled. "I'm not going to have sex with him!" "Okay okay. We don't have to talk about this now." I can't believe her. She's so motherly.
The rest of the ride went by fast since I think I snoozed for a little bit. When we got to the airport I rolled my bag to the front desk. "Hello how may I help you?" The lady said. I told her my name and sure enough there was a ticket for me to LA.

When we got to the gate for me to board my mom hugged me. "Stay safe and have fun. " I smiled "I will." When she let go I started walking to the entrance for the plane. "I love you." She said waving. "Love you too." I said.
Once I was settled in my seat by the window (score!) I quickly texted Austin that I was on my way and turned my phone off. At first after we took off I tried to watch a movie but just decided to sleep.

When I woke up the plane was about to land. When I got off I turned my phone back on and text Austin that I was here. He quickly responded that his mom would be waiting for me.

I grabbed my bag and sure enough there was Michele. I walked over to her and she hugged me. "It's nice to see you Allison." She said. "It's nice seeing you too." I said. I followed her to the car and we set off for the hotel.
"What time is it here?" I asked. "It's just after 11 dear." I sighed. "I left at 8 and took a 5 hour trip and it's only 11." She laughed. "You get used to it after a while."

A few moments later we arrived at the hotel. I followed Michele up to the rooms. "You can just put your stuff in here." She said. I looked around and was in awe. This room is amazing! It's so big and luxurious! Once I checked out the whole room (it was more like a suit) I found Michele in the kitchen. "So when's everything happening today?" I asked taking a seat on the barstool. "well Austin's already gone to rehearsals, so we can eat then around 2:30 we'll have to get ready to be able to make it to watch him." "Okay sounds good." I nodded.

After I ate some lunch and watched tv I heard someone walk into the room. "Hey Michele so...." But I stopped when I saw the person. It was a lady probably in her mid 20s. Michele came up behind her "dear this is Sue and she'll be doing your hair and make up for tonight." She informed me. "0h. Okay." I said. "Are you ready?" Sue asked me. "Sure we can use the bathroom."I said getting up and heading to the bathroom.

When we were in there I took a seat on a bar-stool I drug in there from the kitchen, in front of the mirror. She played with my hair a little and said "do you know how you want it?" I thought for a second "can you do it in like loose waves?' I asked. "Of course. They'll look so cute." She said smiling.

Once she finished with my hair after using several fidgety things on it, it was time for my make up. "How would you like your makeup done?" Sue asked. "I don't usually wear a lot of makeup so maybe natural looking I guess." I said.
When she was done with that I looked in the mirror, and I loved what I saw. My hair still looked long and had beach waved. My make up was more with my eyes, like liner and a bronze eye shadow with mascara, plus a light pink lipstick.

After she packed all her stuff up I asked "aren't you going to do Michele's too?" "No Austin said to just do yours however you wanted." I smiled at the thought if Austin doing this for me. Before he left I thanked her and went to did Michele.

I found her in the other bathroom with the door open getting ready. Once she noticed I was there she sipped and looked at me. "You look amazing." I smiled and thanked her. "How much time do we have before we have to leave?" I asked. "We have about 40 minutes." "Okay soon as I get dressed I'll be ready."

I grabbed my bag and went to a bedroom to change. I grabbed my dress and slipped it on. I looked in the mirror. 'Tonight is going to be amazing!' I thought. I put on my heels and my necklaces and grabbed my purse before walking out of the room.
Once Michele was ready we went down to the lobby and there was already a car waiting for us. I could tell she was excited for Austin about tonight, but what mother wouldn't.

When we were finally at the award show, since we weren't the stars we have like backstage passes, so we could go everywhere stars went just not in front of cameras or on the red carpet. I basically followed Michele where ever she went since I had no idea.

We made our way to where Austin would be performing soon. We were around 10 early for it. Once everybody settled down and got quiet the announcer said "give it up for Austin Mahone!"

(Now would be a good time to watch the video on the side for this part) Austin came out on the red carpet with several of his dancers. He had on a black beanie, with a black and red track suit. The music for 'what about love' started playing with his dancers doing flips in the air.

Through out his performance I noticed how I forgot how amazing of a dancer he is. As he danced they came closer to where me and Michele were, then went onto a stage to finish the song. He kept singing to the cameras, which I guess is good show business.

Me and Michele had our spots at the corner of the stage so we could also see him when he was on the carpet. As he sang the last few lines, he looked in the crowd and stopped when he saw us. I smiled just knowing that he saw me, and on cue red streamers went flying.


i really feel like this is one of my cuter stoires!

i felt like writing cause last night i had a dream that me and Austin were friends and we were at this low key award thing and 5H got the award then camila sang her song she wrote about austin and it was awful and rude and I was so mad at her that I punched her...... but over all good dream

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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