Chapter 4: Goodbye

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Chapter 4: Goodbye

Austin's POV:

        I woke up and everyone was awake already packing up to leave. I looked at the clock, it was just a little after 8 AM.

        I hurried and grabbed a pair of black jeans and my yellow truckfit hoodie, since its already getting nice out and got dressed. I went over to the door when my mom stopped me. " what are you doing?" She asked. " I'm going out real fast." "For what?" I quickly thought " for a soft pretzel since I'm hungry." " we'll dont take too long." I sighed that she bought it. "Ok mom."

        I opened the door and shut it quickly. My first thought was to run to the smoothie cart to find her. I made sure to put my hood up while I ran because I don't want to make a scene.

        When I got there, there wasn't a line. I walked up to it but she wasn't in the cart. Two older guys were. " can I help you?" One of them said. "Uh yeah do you know where Allison's at?" They both stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "I think she's still at the camper." the other guy said calmly. "Ok thank you." I said before darting off toward the camper lots.

        When I got there I found her lot and knocked on the camper door. ' I hope she's here.' I thought anxious to see her. When the door opened my mouth dropped. "Hello?" She said as she opened the door in nothing but her towel, with her beautiful make up less face and wet messy hair. "Austin." She said with a smile, surprised to see me. I swallowed hard closing my mouth. "Um can I talk to you?" I asked awkwardly trying not to stare at her, I could see her skin glisten in the light from it still being wet. "Yeah sure just let me get dressed." She said opening the door more for me to come in.

        I sat on the couch as she went back in the bedroom and changed. As I sat there I scanned the room looking everything over. The camper wasn't real messy, just a few things here and there. When I looked at the ground I saw a small box sticking out. I looked closer to see that it was a box of condoms. 'Was that one of the guys at the carts box? Weren't they like almost 40?'

        Soon as the curtain to Allison's room opened I looked at her. She had put on a pair of dark wash jean shorts, and a white sweatshirt. Her dark hair was still wet and it laid over her shoulder after she brushed it.

        She came over and sat down facing me. "What'd you want to talk about?" She asked seriously. Nothing came out of my mouth. I had to work up the courage to do this. "I thought you were leaving early?" She said since I wasn't talking. "I was but I had to see you." I finally said quietly. "Why?" She looked into my eyes with her gorgeous blue ones. I knew if I didn't do this now I would chicken out. So I grabbed her face with my hands and pulled her into my lips. I was worried she would pull away, but she didn't. She kissed me back.

        I pulled away leaving my eyes closed for a second taking everything in. When I opened them hers were still closed. I leaned into whisper in her ear "because I couldn't leave without doing that." I slowly leaned back away. When I did she opened her eyes fluttering her dark eyelashes. We just stared at each other after that. I knew I had to leave soon but I was going to stay as long as I can. "I'm glad you stayed." Allison replied. A smile formed on my face. Soon after my phone rang and I knew why.

"Hello." I answered it.
"Austin where are you?" My mother asked me.
"I'm heading back now."
"Okay just hurry. Everybody's ready to leave." She said in her motherly voice.
"Okay I'm coming. Bye."
"Bye." And she hung up.

        I knew Allison heard that whole thing. "So you have to go?" She asked sadly. "Yeah I guess so." We both stood up and walked to the door. "Mind if I walk with you since the carts right by the bus?" "Of course not." I said with a grin. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to her yet.

        Once we started waking I wasn't sure if I should hold her hand or not. I mean we just kissed but I wasn't sure if she would be okay with it. Taking that chance I grabbed her hand and laced my fingers with hers. "So do you have to work at the cart today?" "Yeah. It's opening here soon." "It's not open yet?" I asked confused. "Not till 9." She said looking up at me as we walked. "That's make since why the guys there gave me weird looks." "You went to the cart?!" She asked shocked. "Yeah. I checked there first for you." "Jason and Jonathan are gonna give me so much crap because of that." She said. "Because of me, why?" "Because your a guy." "Oh are they protective?" I asked kind of catching on. "You could say that." She said smiling and shaking her head.

        When we got to the road, where if you go right that's where the bus is and to the left is the smoothie cart. I wasn't sure if she would let go and go to the cart but she stayed with me as we walked to the bus. We stopped outside the door. I opened my mouth to say something when the door opened and my mom came out. "Austin where..." But she stopped when she saw I had somebody with me. "Who's this?" She asked nicely. "Mom this is Allison. Allison this is my mother Michele." She walked over to her and shook her hand, dropping mine. "Hello dear." My mom said. "Hi." Allison said smiling. When they stopped my mom just stood there clueless. "Mom." I said trying to hint to her to leave making my eye huge hoping she would get the hint. "Oh yes. Well I better check to make sure everything's okay. Nice meeting you." She said to Allison. "It was nice meeting you too." Once she said that she smiled and went back on the bus.

        "Sorry for my mom, she loves embarrassing me." I huffed, rubbing the back of my neck. "It's fine. She seems real great." I put my hands on her waist pulling her close and she giggled at me, and put her hands on my jaw and we kissed again. This one was a bit longer than the last one but it wasn't like real make-outy either, but it was still nice.

        After we pulled away I hugged her with my arms around her small waist. And she had her arms around my neck. "Bye." I said. "Bye." She said in my ear and kissed my cheek. "I'll call you when I can." I said. "I understand." She knew with my career that I would be busy.

        I went up to the door "bye Allison." "Bye Ausin." She smiled showing her perfect teeth. She turned and walked away. I watched her, thinking about how amazing she seems already and I met her yesterday.

        When I got inside my mother was sitting on the couch on her phone. "So Allison?" My mother nagged. "Yes?" I said annoyed. "She's cute." "Yeah I know." I said trying to avoid this talk with her. Just then Alex came out. "Who's Allison?" He asked taking a seat in the chair. My mom left the bus getting a phone call. "I met her last night." I said. "When?" He asked. "We'll on stage but I didn't talk to her till after then concert." "Oh. Do you like her?" "I think so." I said quietly, not even sure of myself right now.  "That's big man." He said knowing I'm never like this. "I know."

Allison's POV:

        I walked away from Austin still having butterflies in my stomach. I can't believe we kissed, twice! I was so excited to see him this morning, but I hate it that he has to leave.

        When I got to the cart I walked around back and put on my apron. "Well well well." Said Jason. "Look who we have here." "What?" I asked. "Guess who got a visitor this morning?" He kept saying. "Who was he?" Jonathan asked. "That was my friend Austin." They clearly wouldn't know who he is. "What did he want?" "He just wanted to stop by and say bye since he was leaving." I huffed. Today was going to be annoying if they keep this up the whole time...


this story makes me really excited!!! i love and am excited to show you guys where this is going..... 

plz comment, follow and vote 

also camilia is so done... not gonna say i saw this coming but, i sorta did... #sorrynotsorry 

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