#6. A few things.

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This is not necessarily a pissed off rant, cause tbh I'm kinda laughing just thinking about these things. So here ya go.

Topic #1

This smut shit. Some of you guys be turning into freaks from 9 pm- 2am in front of everybody. Adding all these fucking role plays and shit. Like this incest one I saw today... I KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT NOW GIRL, MHM. Please keep it in your damn PM box. And for the love of all that is holy, IF YOU ARE WITH SOMEONE DONT JOIN A ROLEPLAY IN FRONT OR EVEN IN PM.  I don't care if you both agree on it or not, there is something just bound to be fucked up.. Pun intended. Please my 10 year old sister uses my phone, watty typically the last thing I'm on before I sleep and I don't log out, I don't need her asking me what 'thrusting' or the phrase 'sticks it in' means again... I have to make up excuses and make the shit about baking a cake or some stupid ass stuff like that😂🖕🏻.

Topic #2

Now don't get me wrong I have nothing against teen pregnancy... But I wake up this morning to a picture that's captioned "Mhm, good morning sex, hopefully this does it we want a boy guys!!" the girl is 14..  I REPEAT 14 FUCKING YEARS OLD.. To top that off they aren't even a couple.. And to top that top off he's 17. SEVENFUCKINGTEEN.

Lemme just...


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NO JUST FUCKING NO. When I was your age... I had a boy friend (space= friend zone people, love ya ty :)and we didn't do shit. Quite literally. Watched Tv in his parents living room, couldn't even shut the bedroom door 😂😂 we weren't even thinking about sex. 

Topic #3

This is literally the dumbest thing ever, someone asks every ten minutes what I'm going to do with my life I tell them going to the army they reply with.....

Wait for it...

Wait for it..

" GURL, you could die!" -_-

Really?! Are you fucking kidding me? Why didn't I think about that?! nah dip, Sherlock. I could die today too. The fuck? I have nothing more to say about this. It's retarded.

I'm done I can't even anymore. XD

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