Tough pill to swallow (read at your own risk)

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I haven't done a rant in forever but honestly what I have just read disgusts me more than anything in the Fucking world.
Sex trafficking, exploitation of children, babies. You don't put your hands on a child no matter the circumstances. Children aren't here to be your sex partner. They're innocent and they should stay that way for as long as possible. Children aren't sex slaves, they aren't bargaining chips and they aren't here for your personal satisfaction.

I've just read an article of over 70 people being arrested for these very things. I don't know what can possibly possess anyone to do these things, nor do I want to know. What I want to know is if they'd like it done to their own children. The answer would probably be no, so why do it to someone else's child? I would kill someone for hurting my child or any child for that matter.

I want to know if our justice system is gonna step up to the plate and get justice for all children harmed. And the answer to that is probably a no. They'll get a slap on the wrist at the most, when they deserve torcher for doing those things to a child. People like that don't change, you release them into the world and you're responsible for the damage they cause again.

These children put their faith into adults in hopes they'll be safe from the ugliness of the world but the reality is, you never know who is corrupt. And that is the tough pill to swallow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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