Not sure wtf this is

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I've done this one time already but I feel like honestly the shit needs to be stated again.
I'm guilty of giving people a hell of a lot of chances I mean fuck, Adrian, Sarah & carter. There's proof in those three names. And I have about 3 more people I keep doing it with as well. It's like I still have faith but the lies make it easier for me to not care.
I can't stand a liar. I really and truly can't but If I feel like they are trying to be honest I'll keep them in my life. Sometimes I get thrown on a merry go round and go through the same shit 30 goddamn billion times. Which may make me stupid to some people but idgaf about that either. My one true best friend has seen this with me and maybe she can see clearer than I can with going through but I'm very grateful for her because she never fails to tell it like it is.

For months this year and last I have done this with people, I have attachment issues which is why I don't try to talk to a lot of you if you message me that's one thing but I rarely go out on a limb and message anyone because I don't want to get hurt and go through it even more.

If you message me I'm not saying you have to spill your fucking guts to me, but be honest. If we get close and I ask you something chances are I already know the answer I just want you to be honest with me, I give you 1 chance to redeem yourself.  And yes I may keep you around after that but the more it occurs the more it'll make me want to walk away.

If you can't be honest with me up front don't bother. I'm tired of lies. Of being to. Of being a lie to someone else. I'm tired of everything you guys. I'm not the same girl a lot of my first followers saw Ive changed maybe for the better but maybe for the worse depending on who is looking at me. I can't handle it anymore.

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