#8 bullshitters

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I know them.
You know them.
Let's face it we all know them.
At one time or another you've come across maybe 2-3 people that, are such bullshitters that it's like immediately you know, aye that's a lie.
And maybe you've come across one bullshitter that you believe until you catch them in their little lie, or whatever.
Like here I'm gonna just show you guys what I mean,
"I'm deleting so just remember I love you, okay?"
DING DING DING we have a bullshitter. I mean come on you've known me all of a week.. You aren't in love. That actually happened awhile back followed by this an hour later..
"I couldn't do it I can't stay away from my one and only princess."
You're such a bullshitter. Over here calling every girl in your damn newsfeed your princess.. Get the fuck outta here with that shit 😂 I mean seriously go tell it to all of the other girls you 'love' maybe they'll believe you. I feel sorry for you girls though, lord be with you xD

I mean some bullshitters are stupid like that idiot but some are really good at bullshitting you, like if they told you it was snowing and its fucking 90 degrees outside you would've looked to the fucking sky to watch it fall. (BRADLEY ASF THOUGH love ya brother of mine but you're a bullshitter and ya know it)

 (BRADLEY ASF THOUGH love ya brother of mine but you're a bullshitter and ya know it)

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^ need I say anymore?

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