The RoyalBall

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Jade POV

( Unedited)

This past month has been amazing. All I have to do is absolutely nothing except for dress up when I'm expected to.

Sam still hates me, now more than ever but I could absolutely care less. She reminds me of a little bird that doesn't know when to stop, until it gets bit or better yet eaten.

Today has been a hectic day, people running here and there and yacking about what to wear. While this whole time I'm sitting in the giant oak tree that sits in the front yard.

I hear screaming in the house and growl.

Do people seriously not know what quiet time means?

I growl and roll over on the tree branch and lay my body so both my paws hang from both sides of the branch. I flicked my tail left and right trying to find a comfortable position when I hear my name being called.

"Jade!" Some one shouted.

I growled lowly and perked my ears up.

"Jade!" Some one else shouted.

I chuffed at there stupidity. seriously, when i say nap time its nap time! No if, ands, or buts!

I saw a petite blonde walk out of the house with her hands on her hips.

"Jade! Where the fuck are you?" She shouted.

I groaned inwardly.

The gods must not be on my side is they sent Sam out for me.

I tried to stand up quietly when a leaf crunched. And her vamp hearing must have noticed.

Her head snaps to the tree and she smirked.

"Not a good kitty now are ya." She laughed.

I growled getting annoyed with the little bird standing in front of me.

"Whatcha gonna do kitty Kat? Bite me?" She teased.

I flicked my ears and gave it some thought.

Bite? Behave? Bite? Behav-

I laughed at the thought.

Me behave? Nah.

I stood up from the tree swiftly and jumped towards her. She barely dodged my pounce and she sprinted towards the house with a wild cat on her heels.

I internally laughed.

I knew she was good for something!

She sprinted down the hall heading for Lukas office when the door busted open, and out walked the king himself.

"Sam?" He tried finishing but they both bumped into each other and fell to the floor.

I couldn't hold my laughter In anymore and I shifted and fell to the floor with tears in my eyes.

"Hahahaha! You ditz!" I laughed until the tears stopped coming.

I cleared my face and sat up straight fixing my skirt.

"Hello Lukas" I smiled cheekily.

He sat up and rubbed his now red forehead.

"Exactly what is going on?" He asked.

Sam started to say something when I cut her off.

"Sam told me to bite her, so I took her up on that offer." I shrugged my shoulders.

He raised his brows a humor dancing clear in his eyes.

He crossed his arms and looked at me.

"Sam is this true?"

Sam stiffened behind him.

"I didn't think that she would actually do it! She needs to be trained properly. We can't have her around our future children." She squealed.

I laughed again as Lula's ears turned red with humiliation.

"Children!?" He squeaked.

Sam put her hands on her hips and puckered her lips.

"Yes we are going to have five." She stated seriously.

I held my laughter in and felt tears start swelling to my eyes.

Lukas coughed and I let my laughter out and falling to the floor in the process.

Lukas cleared his throat and changed the subject.

"Well....I have an announcement to make." He fixed his shirt.

" I am going to be attending the ball tonight." He stated.

I sighed.

"And? Is that all? I have a nap waiting for me!" I snapped.

He sighed and tucked his hands in his trousers

"And I going to tak-"

"Aww..darling your soo kind! Of course I'll go with you.!" Sam cheered.

I chuckled and walked away.

"I'm taking you!" Lukas shouted down the hall in my direction.

I spun around quickly on my heels.

"Say wa?" I growled.

He smiled.

"Its time to show off my new pet." He smirked.

Me and Sam both squealed for two different reasons.

Hers was jealousy and envy.
And mine was out of irritation.

I did a quick in edited chapter. Hope ya like..

😘Vana Voo😍

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