Getting Back on track

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(This is a short chapter, but know that I'm back and ready to write. Let's get this book up on the charts!)

After my little encounter with Landon, he had some paperwork to fulfill. So me being me decided to venture around his ginormous palace.

I passed many butlers and maids and they each bowed their heads and smiled.

'Jeez I wonder where everyone is going?' I shrugged off the idea and sniffed my way to the kitchen.

Three hallways and two rights then a left and another right I came to my final destination.

"Thank God!" I cheered and ran over to the fridge and hugged it. After my joyous moment someone cleared their throat and ruined my precious moment.

" got lost?" I frowned and turned on the heels of my heels? And looked at the elderly but gorgeous women.

I roamed my eyes from the top of her head down to her Prada clad feet. She seemed to be on my level with her fancy taste in style so I nodded.

" yeah, Landon had some paperwork to finish so I tried finding my own way down." I groaned rubbing my grumbling stomach.

She laughed and her dark chocolate shoulder length locks bounced around her slim shoulders.

" the first time his father brought me here I was the same way." She straightened up and held out her delicate hand.

" my apologies I'm Catherine, Landon's mother." She smiled. I took her hand and shook it.

" I'm Jade Landon's...." Landon's what?

' am I a friend? No maybe a pet? Nope not possible..then wtf are you jade?!'

After my internal battle I just said fuck it and went with the flow.

" I'm his friend." I smiled. She nodded and examined me from head to toe then nodded in approval.

" my son has great taste." She laughed.

I smiled and I knew instantly that this women was going to be my new bestie.

Two Hours Later

Me and Catherine ended up having dinner out on the patio in the garden and laughed about our pasts and our current situations.

" well I guess it's time for me to head in over to the west wing." She sighed setting her cup of tea down.

" You live here?"  She nodded and patted my shoulder.

" yup, when Landon retires as king his children will move to the south and Landon to the north wing." I nodded and soaked in every detail as if my life depended on it.

" well I hope to see you soon." I smiled. She nodded and gracefully floated away and out of sight.

' well what the fuck am I suppose to do now?'

That's when I seen a path that leads to the forest and down to the hiking trails.

I smiled and shifted enjoying every crack and pop as my bones shifted and bent into my second form.

Suddenly my Vision became sharper and my hearing became sensitive to every little noise.

I took off at a slight trot as a warm up then a full out sprint.

I passed bears and their cubs at the riverside, and chased the deer through the forest until I came upon an injured man.

I stopped in my tracks causing debris to fly forward and catch the mans attention.

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