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Jade POV

"You said what!" I shrieked.

Lukas frowned and raised his hand in a calming manner.

"I don't see why your fretting he's a decent guy" I glared at the reference to Landon and snorted.

"About as decent as you little girlfriend up stairs." He shook his head and opened the door for me.

We headed down the stairs still arguing.

"Well I don't see why you would tell him that I am willing to go to the gala with him tonight." I growled.

He smirked and patted my arm.

" hey look at the bright side you have the possibility to get laid with sex on legs." He joked.

I looked down to see how much further we had to go till the last steps. eight..nine..ten..

'Yup ten steps will do just fine' I thought.

I place my heel against his ankle so when he took his next step he tumbled down.

I watched as he flailed out for something to grab onto and I shook my head.

I gracefully descended the stairs and walked to his panting body.

" mention that again and we might have a problem." I smirked placing the tip of my heel over the front of his jeans.

He scowled and slapped my foot away and stood up shakily.

"Damn it women why don't you ever listen to me!" He growled pointing his finger.

"If you want that finger I suggest you to move it from my face." I snapped my teeth to get my point across and he quickly receded his finger.

I walked over to the kitchen and waited for him to follow and took out a bottle of coconut water and took a sip.

"Well I'm guessing that you didn't read the manual that came with me." I smirked.

His face reddens and he shook his head.

"There wasn't a damn manual. If so I would have read the thing from front to back a thousand times." I scowled and he yanked the bottle from my hands and took a sip.

"How about an agreement." I tried reasoning.

His brow hitched and I snatched my water back.

"Go on." He stated walking over to the counter and plopping himself down.

"I get free roaming privileges and I can go wherever my heart desires." His face went blank and he cleared his throat.

"No." Was all he said.

I felt my blood begin to boil and I knew that my ugly side was about to show.

"Excuse me! Your the one that set me up on a date with Landon the perv who probably has a dick the size of an shriveled up raisin! Why can't I just have the freedom to roam!?" I growled loudly feeling my panther get ruffled up.

His body stilled and by the look on his face it seemed as if he was contemplating something.

He bit his lip and nodded.

"Yes what?" I asked confused.

"Free roaming privileges, but you have to have a guard at all times. I spent too much money on you, and I'll be damned if somebody steals what's mine." He growled.

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