Chapter 3

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《Marinette's POV》

Huff huff huff
"Wait girl!" Alya screamed. "Ye-huff- yes?" I replied.

"I have a photo!"

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!? Delete. Now." I stopped furiously.

"Too late. Everyone has it! Everyone took a photo!"

"Alya, please be a dear friend and tell them to get rid of them!"

"I'll try, but no promises. Chloe is furious. Probably at herself more than you."

"Ugh..... Bye Alya!" I wave running to my bakery/house. Once I get there I took out my sketchbook and drew the background of my photo. I was about to draw Anti Angel's face when mother barged in. "Marinette, dinner. Hope you did your homework." She winked. Darn it. I didn't.

I soon finished and ran up to my room to finish reading the book Ms. Bastier told us to read. "Always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world." I whispered to myself. The Great Gatsby gave me Deja Vu. From last nights dream. I quickly gazed into my mini-daydream as I repeated my dream.

"Marinette!" I turned to see Adrien running up to me. "Yah?"

"The city is always seen for the first time. I always see you for the first time. As Ladybug,and Marinette." I stared blankly at him.

"Je t'aime, Marinette your all the mystery and beauty. I wanna know who you are. I want you to know who I am. I love you and that's a promise I'll keep forever."

"Adrien..." My eyes watered as he took a metal stick and swung across Paris.

What a silly dream. I thought to myself. I put away the book and fell into a deep sleep.

(Adrien's POV)

I gave Plagg the cheese. I couldn't get my mind off the dream I had last night, and why Marinette yo- yoed into the night sky. "All this lovey dovey stuff is terrible. You don't even know her!" Plagg complained. "So, she has a personality!" I refused to give up loving Ladybug. If only I can if I can find out who's behind that mask....

"Lights out." Natalie interrupted my train of thought. "Got it!" I waved my hand at her. I glared at the night sky. I want to transform into Chat Noir so Ladybug might come out. "Plagg, Claws out!" I yelled silently. "Wh- what? Wai- whoaaaaaaa" he yelled as he got sucked into my ring. I opened my window and flew out of it, launching into the night sky. "Whoo hoo!" I yelled freely.

The Blue Eyed Girl [] A Miraculous Ladybug Love storyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu