Chapter 2 - Lost

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And there ain’t no way, your pulling me down/ I recharge through speakers and sound/ its okay, it isn’t your fault/ everything is alright.

Magnetic by Jessie J blasted through my alarm clock, effectively waking me.  Groaning in my pillow, I rolled over and turned the sound up as the chorus started.

Take me to a place I know/ Anywhere that feels like home/ Someone where that if I let go/ Someone’s gonna catch my soul.

Bopping my head up and down I sang along with the lyrics, hopping out of bed and walking over to the closet picking out grey skinny jeans, a white singlet top and a black cardigan, with matching black ballet flats.  Feeling satisfied with my look, I set to work on my hair and face.  My copper orange hair flowed in messy waves down my back, reaching nearly to my waist, and I started the long process of brushing it.  With that done I moved onto my face, and decided that I was going for a natural look today, with minimal make up.  I ended up putting on some foundation, neutral eye shadow, thin eyeliner and mascara.

Vampires and beasts/ lick tears, from my cheeks/ I won’t hide behind tweets/ And smiles, for life…

I never understood those lines, but I sung them anyway.  When I was young my mother always said that I was going to be a star, that my voice was as if angels themselves had given me the gift of singing.  I always wanted to be a famous singer, but I can’t even dream of that anymore, for if I were that famous, a Venari would surely recognize me.  But that hardly stopped me from singing casually all the time.

Another day of school filled with boring teachers and annoying classmates lay ahead of me, but one thing made my heart leap at the prospect of math class, and that was Nathan Price.  I can’t explain it, but I feel a weird connection between us, as if we’re being pulled together by forces greater than us.  I want to get to know him, and I want him to know me… No, Alessia, stop.  You can’t let daydreams get the best of you, your own life is more important than getting to know some stranger.

Everything went by in a blur after I got to school, my classes flew by as if time had been sped up and I felt anxious to get to the end of the day.  Nathan and I have one class together, and that’s math, which we have last period everyday.  Soon enough, the bell rang to indicate that the last class of the day was to commence and I all but raced to get to room 5 where math is held.

Pausing at the door, I pulled myself together.  What are you doing?  Why are you so eager to see him?  What is he to you?  I don’t have an answer for either of those questions, but my heart sped up at the thought of seeing him again.  I walked into the room, my eyes instantly looking for him but I couldn’t see him.  Taking my usual seat, I waited and watched as the rest of the seats filled up with teenagers, all of them talking to each other in hushed whispers, but no Nathan.  The second bell went and everyone quieted down as Mr. Murray started the lesson, and my heart sank.  Turning to my right to a girl named Jessie I asked her, “Is Nathan not here today?”

“Nope, he ain’t here today.  The story today is that his dad pulled him out for the day so they could hiking in the woods,” she whispered excitedly as if she was thrilled to be giving me this information, “he takes SO many days off, it’s not unusual anymore.”

“Oh,” was all I said, spinning my attention back to the lesson at hand.

At the end of the lesson I took my time getting to my locker to put everything away, hoping to put off going home to an empty house.  Upset that I can’t have a run, and the fact that Nathan isn’t here today just adds to my bad mood.  Grabbing my now full bag, I walked down the corridors towards the big double-doors that lead to outside.

Standing at the top of the stairs, I felt my necklace give off a pulse, that quickened to match my heartbeat.  My hand flew to my throat, my eyes landing upon Marcus, who was standing next to a black car which must be his.  So not to be suspicious, I raised my hand to wave at him.

“Hello Mr. Helwyr!  Sorry, I mean Marcus,” I quickly corrected myself, jogging down the steps to meet him.

“Ah, hello miss…” he looked at me apologetically, and I forgave him easily.  Every one forgets my name, but that’s one of the many reasons why I chose it.

“Dita, Dita Martinez,” I smiled at him, trying to ignore the pulses that my necklace was still giving off.

“Oh yes, now I remember!  Sorry, dear, I know so many different people in this town they all kind of blur together these days, but how could I forget a face as pretty as yours?” he complimented me and I blushed.  I wasn’t used to people telling me I pretty or beautiful, and I don’t know to respond.  Thankfully I didn’t have to.

“I actually have to go,” he says to me and I nod.

“Of course.  It was nice to see you again Marcus,” I reply.

“You too, Dita.”

And with that he drove off in his black car and the pulses in my chest died down until it stopped completely.  Why was he at the school?

So many questions, but barely any answers.

I’ve decided that I need to avoid Marcus at all costs.  He’s out in the woods searching for me, and I can’t just hand him over an easy hunt.  That means no more runs for me for at least two weeks.  Why is my life so hard?  I just wish that I had someone to talk to, because right now I feel so alone.  I want someone to call me by my real name, for some one to say Alessia, not Dita.  I want to live a normal human life, not a werewolf one were I’m being hunted everyday.  I want to have a mother that I can talk to, a father who can hold me tight when I’m sad, an extended family that is funny but also loving.  I want everything I can’t have, and I don’t know how to live anymore.

I have no real friends, having anybody close to me is dangerous so I’ve distanced myself from anyone and everyone for the past 5 years.  I crave for contact, to connect with someone on a level, any level.  My wolf needs a pack, somewhere to belong, but there is no one else.  I don’t know what to do, or how to control my feelings anymore.

Dita Martinez and Alessia Diaz are merging into one blurred image, and I can’t distinguish the difference between them nowadays.  Is it Dita who lost her family to the wrath of the Venari or Alessia?  Did Alessia lose her parents to a car accident, or Dita?  I’m lost.  I’m so lost.  I’m at the bottom of a hole and its getting deeper and deeper, and no ones going to throw down a rope to help me back out.  I’m on my own.

But I don’t wanna be.

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