Chapter 6 - Witches and Wizards

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“You’ll look after her if something ever happens to us, won’t you Rebekah?”  My mother asked Rebekah, who was a witch.  “You’ll protect her?”

“Of course, love!  I would look after her until my death,” she said.

“I’ve heard the Venari are on a mission to kill all of the lycanthrope, every pack, every man, women, and child.  I can’t have Alessia in the middle of that, I’ll do anything to keep her safe,” my mother said, her voice so strong no one would contradict her.

“I have a feeling that the Venari will succeed in destroying your kind, and that it’ll happen very soon.  I’ve created this necklace for Alessia to warn her if a Venari is close by, that way she’ll have a way of knowing if and when she’s in danger and it’ll keep her safe from them.  When they do come for your pack, bury her in the ground so that they don’t find her,” Rebekah told my mum handing her a diamond teardrop laced on a chain.

“If this really does happen, that’ll mean that Alessia will be the only werewolf alive on this earth.  She’ll be hunted down no matter where she goes.  She’s too young to do this on her own, she needs someone to help protect her.  Will your kind help us?”  she asked the witch, her eyes practically begging.

“The witches and wizards of this world will protect Alessia with their lives.  Eternally until lost,” Rebekah said.

“Alessia?  Are you awake, my dear?” a voice pushed through the haze of my muddled mind.  A scent hit my nose and I relaxed, knowing that I wasn’t in any danger.  Witch.

“I am now,” I croaked and tried to move, but found that my limbs were like lead and I couldn’t move them properly.  “Gosh, it feels as if I’ve been hit by a truck.”

“Close enough I’d say,” Lucinda answered with a laugh.  Hands appeared at my back to help me into a sitting position and I smiled gratefully at her as she handed me a cup filled with hot water and lemon.

“Thanks,” I said, taking a sip from the cup.  Warm liquid ran down my sore throat and I sighed in pleasure.  “So, what happened?  I kind of blanked out.”

“Well, by the time I had arrived the wolfsbane had nearly contaminated every vein in your body.  As soon as I started to withdraw it, it reached your heart and you almost died, had it not been for your necklace,” she said to me and I put my hand to my neck where my pendant sat.

“What do you mean?” I asked her confused.

“Not only did you mother get us witches to give it the power to warn you if the Venari are close, we spelled it with the power to keep your heart safe.  The easiest way to kill a werewolf is to get to their heart, and your mother knew that.  So when the wolfsbane reached your heart, your necklace stopped it from killing you instantly, if only for a few minutes.  The spell is strong, but not strong enough to protect it for long if it is attacked for long periods of time,” Luce explained to me.  “Alessia, your mother cared for you a great deal, and she’s done all this for you, to keep you alive.  My dear, you’re only a child so you wouldn’t completely understand-“


“What?” she said with puzzlement.

“I’m not a child,” I said boldly, holding my chin up a little higher to level myself with her.

“You’re only seventeen, to me you’re still a child, no matter how much you’ve seen and been through,” she said softly, rubbing her hand on my arm in comfort.

“I was only twelve when they died, Lucinda,” I said quietly.  I had no idea where this was coming from, but I couldn’t stop.  “I’ve had no one to look up to for five years.  No parents to tell me right from wrong, for my dad to hold me when I’ve had troubles with boys, or my mum to do what mums do, and I don’t even no what they do.

“I miss them, Luce.  I feel so alone, I can’t tell who I am anymore.  Dita, or Alessia,” then the tears spilled onto my cheeks and I made a sort of choking sound as I sobbed.

“Come here,” she whispered to me and embraced me, and she held me for what could have been hours while I cried.  When I finally pulled back she grabbed my face in her hands and made me look at her.

“You, my dear, are Alessia Kate Diaz, a feisty woman who takes after her mother so much that its uncanny, and a lady with a heart like her father who was brave, courageous and loving.  You choose who you will be, and no one else gets a say in it.  Plus, you’re not alone, you’ve got us witches and wizards,” and at this she smiled and so did I.

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