Chapter 5 - Wolfsbane

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“You’ve got to be kidding me.  Can this get any worse?” I said just before a flash of agony ripped through my body, sending me to my knees.  The Wolfsbane was starting to take effect, I didn’t have long before I became paralyzed.

“That was a freaking rhetorical question,” I mumbled under my breath, closing my eyes to shut out the pain.

We must contact the witch, Kate hissed and I nodded in agreement.

Reaching into my jacket pocket I grabbed my phone and clicked on the contact I had on speed-dial.  It rang four times before she picked up and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Hello?” a female voice said on the other side of the line.

“Lucinda?  It’s me Alessia,” I whispered.

“Alessia, my dear, what can I do for you?”

“I need your help.  How fast can get to Shady Groves?”

“A couple of hours.  Why?” Lucinda asked me, worry clear in her tone of voice.

“Got shot by a Venari member and the bullet was laced with Wolfsbane,” I explained and let out of a cry of pain as I felt the poison spread across my ribs.

“Oh no.  How long ago?” she demanded.

“A few minutes ago, but it’s already spreading.”

“Already?  That shouldn’t happen for another half hour,” she said disbelieving, and she’s right.  The spreading isn’t supposed to happen for another 30 minutes, but it seems as though it’s sped up.

“I know.  I think the Venari have found a way to make Wolfsbane more potent somehow.  Damn, it hurts like hell,” I hissed as the poison spread through the veins in my chest.

“If so, you’ll have to be more careful,” she said to me.

“That’s if I survive this,” I replied.  Realization washed over me.  The reason why Marcus didn’t check to see if I was dead of not was because he knew that the wolfsbane would kill me eventually.  He probably shot me in the chest so I wouldn’t die immediately, but die slowly and painfully.

“You will, my dear, I’m on my way.  Hold in there,” she said to me and then hung up, leaving me to try and stay alive.

Two hours of endless pain, crying and screaming as the wolfsbane made its way through my veins, slowing my pulse down rapidly.  Soon it gets hard to breathe or even move, and Kate’s presence was completely gone, as if she was already dead.

“Kate?  Where are you?  Don’t leave me,” I whimpered, hoping to have some comfort from my wolf, but she stayed silent.  “Lucinda…  Where are you?”

“Just outside, my dear, how are you holding up?”  And I heard her car door shut and her footsteps walking up the steps.

“I think… I think it’s nearly reached my heart,” I said, my voice getting fainter as I begin to lose consciousness.  She barged through the doors and came up to me, kneeling down.

“It already has,” and with that she placed her hand over my heart and proceeded to dig her fingers into my skin.  “This is going to hurt…”

“Just do it,” I hissed between clenched teeth.

And with that said, she drew out the wolfsbane with her powers and it felt as if she was pulling me apart, bit by bit.  I felt it get pulled from my veins, leaving my blood clean and free from poison, but still it crawled into my heart.  Spluttering I felt my heart falter and stutter, leaving me breathless and my body deprived of blood.  My lungs screaming for oxygen and my brain felt as if it were exploding, I opened my mouth in a silent scream as my heart got attacked.

Lucinda’s P.O.V.

“Is she okay, Lucinda?” James asked me, worry laced in his voice and I couldn’t blame him.  Alessia, the last of the lycanthrope, must not die, and my kind must do everything in our power to make sure she doesn’t.

“She’s going to be okay.  The wolfsbane reached her heart, so she’ll be weak for a week or so,” I explained, looking down to the sleeping child splayed across my lap.  “I was so scared Jem, I nearly lost her.”

“But you saved her Luce, she’s alive because of you,” he reassured me and I sighed, completely exhausted.

“I know, Jem, but I could feel her heart giving up, could feel it dying, feel her dying.  Oh Jem, she could have died,” I cried into the phone and my tears rolled down my cheeks silently.

“We knew that she could get hurt, even die, but we swore that we’d protect her with our lives, and that’s what we’ll do for as long as she needs it,” he explained with such conviction that I couldn’t help but believe him.

“Eternally until lost,” I whispered to him.

“Eternally until lost,” he said back and hung up the phone.

The young girl on my lap has seen things she shouldn’t have to have seen, she should have been raised in a different world to this one where death is a usual occurrence.  She should still have parents, friends, not just enemies.  I want the best life for her, one filled with smiles and laughter, not with tears and screams.

“Why, my dear, must you grow up in this world of death and destruction?”

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