Day 1

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**Lewis's POV**

"I'll see you tonight, K Ash..." I yelled as I left my flat that I shared with my best friend and roommate, Ashley. Maybe crush...

"Yeah, I'll be here the whole day ok, the spec-company doesn't want to over work us so we get the day off. So don't freak out when the door is only top-locked. We don't want a repeat of last night!" She yelled back. Yeah last night...running round the flat for about half an hour chasing a 'criminal' was not fun, it was Ash the whole time.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, see ya Ash!" I heard a muffled reply as I closed the door and headed off to work. So fun, a day of writing papers and signing papers, then off to the gym for an hour or two to keep fit.

**Time Skip(Do you want to hear about his tremendously exciting day signing papers?)**

"Hey Lewis wait up..." My workmate Liam ran up to me. "You go gym right..." I nodded silently, just focusing on the path ahead of me. "Well I do too, well the one across from town, anyway can I come with you?" I sighed and shook my head.

"Sorry but I prefer to work alone there, and I'm mostly silent unless I'm cursing..." He looked down really sad, I felt really bad but I didn't let it get a hold of me. "Hey Li..." He turned around looking really hopeful, "you're gonna miss your bus..." His eyes widened and he turned and sprinted down the road.

I walked into the gym and instantly went to my area. Basically its not really my area but everyone stays away, hehe they're afraid of me...well Ashley.

Anyway, I trained until dusk then packed up and left, only leaving the cleaners in the building. Once I got home I could hear someone franticly running around the house, mumbling something about...not being ready? I walked in fearing the worst but was only greeted by Ashley, blocking the windows. "Uh...Ashley? What are you doing?" She turned around, brandishing a dagger. I backed up and she yelled at me.

"DON'T DO THAT LEWIS YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!" She lowered her dagger and rubbed the back of her neck.

"I'm sorry ok..." I said trying to look her straight in the eyes."now what's with the dagger, and the boarding-up and well ya know...craziness..?" She laughed nervously, and gestured for me to take a seat while sighing.

"I guess I've kept it from you long enough..." She glanced away not looking at me, "Well you see I'm not really who I say I am. I am..."

**Ashley's POV**

"I am..." I was looking everywhere but him. Certain thoughts went round my head like; What if he doesn't like me anymore what if he kicks me out, what if they get him...

"Well you see," Deep breath Ash, "Impartofthespecialforces!" He looked utterly confused.

"Your what?" I took a really deep breath, then very calmly said.

"I'm part, don't freak out, of the special forces, and at the moment they were preparing us for..." I looked at him for the first time, properly, since he got home.

"Go on..."

"Z-z-zombie apocalyp-pse..." He stared at me and was about to say something when...

"NO PLAESE STAY BACK I-AH AHHHHH!!" We heard a scream from outside and turned to look at the door debating weather or not to open it. I stepped towards the door and pulled out my mini handgun from my shoe.

"Stay here I'll check it out..." I slowly proceeded towards the door and kick it open, and what I saw before me will forever be stuck in my mind. Even at night...the world had been over run from...them. It's time for operation; run, survive and conquer...


Hi I'm Crazy_potato, call me crazy, and I'm going to be writing this with my friend Rainbow_nerd. This is my first story so please don't hate me. If you have any suggestions just message me. Bye


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