Day 33

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Ok it's rainbow_nerd here, please just call me rain or rainbow, anyway my part is Ashley and I might add different characters in like Newt, Minho and Thomas from Maze runners and stuff like that. Don't judge I just ran out of people to use. Anyway, yeah, here the next part~


**1 Months Later**

**Lewis's POV**

I didn't want to leave her, she was my best friend. It's been a month without her, she's supposed dead, but I know she's out there somewhere. "Yo, Li, you with us mate?" I snapped out of my daze and nodded my head.

"Yep still alive..." I chuckled. Nazia looked worryingly at me,

"You sure? You're always daydreaming...always." I nodded and forced a smile.

"I'm fine." Suddenly I remembered the small part of a song that Ashley used to sing to.

I'm fine, I lied,

I'm dying inside.

I chuckled at the memory of her dancing around singing to different songs that came on the radio. I saw Naz open her mouth to talk when...gunshots, and voices. I got up and drew my knife walking slowly towards the sounds. Three people in hoods stood facing the few zombies that surrounded our camp that we were unaware of. As far as I could tell they were all guys, badass ones at that. Here is what they looked like;

 Here is what they looked like;

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And the last person I couldn't see their face, but I could tell he commanded the others

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And the last person I couldn't see their face, but I could tell he commanded the others. I could him yelling, "Newt, Tommy. Go see if there is anyone up there, or this was a total waste...Minho I got your back." The two boys ran up near to where we were and o e started yelling.
"Hey, anyone home?" He joked, "we got a complaint from the neighbors on zombies, you know anything?" Then I heard a whack and a yelp. And a slightly English accent stared to talk,
"Shut it Tommy, we don't need none of your yelling...I bet Minho can here your yelling!" I felt Naz perk up at his name and she wearily called out.

**Nazia's POV**

"Y-you know Minho?!?" They stooped laughing and looked around.
"Yeah...what's it to you?" I walked towards them and pulled my hood down.
"I happen to be his sister..." They looked dumbfounded at her, then everyone else crawled out of their hiding spaces. Looking curiously at the two boys.
"Sister?" One whispered as the other one called over his shoulder.
"Yo, Minho, you got a sister?" We heard a muffled reply, "yeah, well we may have found her..." Suddenly we heard running and Minho appeared a the entrance.
"Nazia!" He ran towards me, I started running as well.
"Minho!" We met in the middle with a nice hug. Everyone 'awwed' at us as brother and sister were united.
"What's going on...guys what now?" We all looked to the entrance, where Minho had stood now stood their 'leader' black hood, black bandana. Couldn't tell who it was.
"Well, Ash, Minho just found his little sis. Who he talks so-" at the name 'Ash' my heart dropped, and I felt tears prickling my eyes. I tuned them out and listened to my thoughts.
A month, she is obviously dead, Nazia, stop getting distracted by her. We weren't friends or, we were best friends...
"-hey...HEY ZOMBIE LOOK OUT!!" That snapped me outta my thoughts and I looked to see Lewis do the same and his head connect with Alfie's. "Crap, that hurt..."
"Well maybe if you didn't scare me I wouldn't of done that!"
"Well, Lewis, if you hadn't zoned out again, this wouldn't of happened in the first place!"
"Well-" suddenly another voice cut in,
"L-lewis?" I looked to the hooded figure, quite a small distance away from them. She took her hood and bandana off and we all gasped.
"Ashley? H-how did you-? But I-you died! We-" He was cut off by a hug, jealously ran through me.
"I thought I would never see y-anyone again!" I could tell she was really happy to see him.
"But how didn't we see you?" She chuckled,
"I have my ways." He glared playfully at her.
"Need. Entire. Story. When. In. Safe. Place!" He said pausing after each word. Suddenly there was a loud bang behind us. She groaned,
"Again, this is seriously da ja vous (I think that's how it's spelt)" I chuckled. "Can we hole up here, for a night, till morning then we will go. You can come to safety, or stay in in danger. Whatever your answer is please. Just a night..." He looked over at me and I nodded.

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