Day 34

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Don't Start The Music Until I Say!!


**Newt's POV** (didn't think this would happen did ya)

I know I only met Ashley a month ago, barely surviving, but I feel as if I have gotten to know her much more. So has...Thomas, and now this Lewis guy is in the picture. Looks as though I have more completion. Minho sees her as his little sister, Daryl is her brother, she sees Carl as brother and Nate as well so that's a plus. Oh and, what was her name, Nazia looked really jealous when Ash hugged Lewis, maybe I can get those two together and get Ashley running to me...or Tommy. Wait so now I have; Thomas, Glenn, Shane(lets play pretend and say the cunt didn't get killed) and that Lewis guy, ugh why. "Oh, right, the boys." I finally turned my attention to Ash who was smiling gently at Newt and myself. "This is Newt, and Thomas...oh and Minho, who you met already." she said gesturing to us, "These guys are my friends, they found me. If it weren't for them," She looked between Thomas and myself, smiling. "I'd be dead...and never would have found you guys. Anyway you need to come with us, we have food, shelter, places to sleep, the jackpot. Please, I don't want to lose anyone else!"  She started to sniffle and I pulled her into a hug, ignoring the glares of other people around us. "Anyway c'mon..." They all nodded, to my distraught Ash left my arms to go greet everyone including Lewis who got a big hug. That kid is trying his luck.

**Ashley's POV**

I re-greeted them all and explained what they had to do, "So, since I have no room on my bike 'cause Newt's coming with me on it, you lot will have to go in the van. Oh, and the leader will want to ask you some questions. You all good with that?" there was a murmur of 'yeses' and a few nods so I smiled and turned. "C'mon then, lets go to Alexandria!" I ran out and hopped onto my bike, the rest following closely.

Outside Alexandria...

"Hey, Rick! Open up!" The gates opened wide so we could come in, and almost instantly I saw Carl holding Judith and standing by the garage waiting for me

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"Hey, Rick! Open up!" The gates opened wide so we could come in, and almost instantly I saw Carl holding Judith and standing by the garage waiting for me. I waved and made my way inside before coming out and giving them both a hug. "Hey guys, have you been good for your dad, huh?" Carl nodded and Judith gave me a small baby smile.

"No, they haven't...they've been perfect." I turned around and Rick stood behind me I laughed,

"Oh really, have they been that good? I don't-" I suddenly remembered the guys we bought with us, "oh Rick, we came across a couple of survivors. We have to take them in, they're my old group, basically family! Please!" He sighed.

"Ok but I will have to go over-"

"The protocol. I know." I heard Carl laugh as I copied his dad, and I earned a little chuckle from the man himself.

"Ok look after this lot would ya?" He said gesturing to Carl and Judy. I saluted,

"Yes sir!" He chuckled as I marched of with them into their house. "So, can I hold Judy?"

"Wow, I love you to Ashley..."

"I know." I said while Carl passed Judith to me. I held my finger out in front of her. "Hey Judy, why do you love me?" She giggled and grabbed my finger,

"Sissy!" I gasped and I heard Carl drop something.

"D-did she just? Did she just call you a sissy?"

I punched his arm while smiling but went serious again,

"You do realise she basically called me her sister..." He gave me a hug which calmed me down,

"Yeah, but I don't mind. You're like a sister to me and a daughter to dad so, he shouldn't mind either." I breathed a sigh of relief and hugged him back. "Well since your my sister...can I play with you hair to help me sleep. It's kinda dark now..." I laughed,

"Sure kid, sure." I went upstairs and put Judith to bed before going over to Carl and tucking him in and siting next to him, just in reach of my hair. "If you want I'll sing a lulla-bye as well..." I heard him murmur a yes so I did.

[Start The Music]

Stay awake, don't rest your head,

Don't lie down upon your bed,

While the moon drifts in the skies,

Stay awake, don't close your eyes,

Though the world is fast asleep,

Though your pillow's soft and deep,

You're not sleepy as you seem,

Stay awake, don't nod and dream,

Stay awake, don't nod and dream.

"That sounds should sing more..." I looked up and saw Glenn standing there, scratching his neck. I chuckled and stood up, walking over to him I enclosed him in a hug.

"Thanks, Glenn. It means a lot to have someone say that..." I felt his arms go around me before I completely fell into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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