Tony to Clint

703 20 10

Hey birdie


I just had the best idea


First change your profile picture, I can't take you seriously with this one

What's wrong with it?

Dude. It's not even you.
It's a picture of a bird.

It's a metaphor

For what? Your bird sized brain

Changing it

I appreciate.
Okay so where was I?

You have an idea

Clearly you aren't paying attention. It wasn't just an idea. It was the best idea.

yeah whatever

Okay so you now how most of us have partners? I have Pepper, Thor has Jade or Jean or whatever her name is, you have Nat and Bruce has... well his lab.

I don't have Nat-_-

Not yet

/ \
So your brilliant plan is?

First of all-you have failed to create a human being.
And to answer your question-my brilliant idea is to find Steve a girlfriend. Or boyfriend. Whichever side he's leaning on.

What about Bucky

You must not assume on which side he's leaning on

So... we ask him?

No you stupido. We cannot just walk over and be like "hiya stevie old pal. You gay man?"

Okay, then what do we do?

You must flirt with him and see his reaction

A/N: Thoughts?:)

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