The Party

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Hi! WELCOME to my story! I just want to say I believe I'm a horrible writer, so very sorry if you hate it.

Sparrow sat in front of the mirror brushing out her long curls. "This party will be the death of me..." she muttered. Sparrow hated party's, it always led to drunks flirting with her, or random men claiming their undying love. She started to apply light purple eye shadow. The shadow looked amazing with her green eyes and purple dress. She had tied her black locks into a tight bun.
"Darling?" Her father called from down stairs.
Her father was a noble man, his name was Johnathan Bloodmoon. Sparrow got her black hair, and green eyes from him. Their family was related to the King. Cousins. Personally Sparrow hated her cousin, he was an complete ass.
"Yes?" Sparrow called.
"It's time to go."
She took a quick check at herself in the mirror and stood. She grabbed her purse and walked out the door. Her father took a look at her as she walked down the stairs. "Beautiful, radiant! You look just like your mother." Her mother, Emily, had died giving birth to Sparrow. Sparrow had only seen photos of her mother. She was blonde with brown eyes. She was probably the most beautiful girl Sparrow had seen.
"I will never be as beautiful as her." She blushed anyway.
Her father shook his head and pulled her into a tight embrace. Sparrow felt the squeeze, as if the corset wasn't enough. She was lead out side and into a carriage. The ride was short, but it felt like forever. When they arrived they were greeted by soldiers who escorted them inside. The inside was gorgeous. Gold's, and whites filled the walls. The floors we're made out of fine marble. Sparrow admired the craftsman ship. They were led into a giant room with gold flooring and walls. The jewel like chandelier made the room glow. Sparrow couldn't help her mouth dropping open.
"Close your mouth, it's not ladylike." Her father hissed.
She quickly closed her mouth, and let her eyes show her surprise. Her eyes wondered to the snack table and her stomach let out a low, quiet growl.
"Excuse me." She curtsied to her father and broke away from him. As she grew closer to the table, a chocolate smell filled her nose. She stopped at the table and popped a chocolate ball into her mouth. Her eyes fluttered and she felt like melting. It had been so long since she had chocolate.
"You a fan of chocolate?" A voice spoke out.
Sparrow turned to see a strangely attractive man with dark hair, and eyes looking at her. She examined his clothing, a red bandana stood out through his course outfit. She looked at his face and saw a scar.
"Like what ya see love?" He chuckled.
"Oh sorry sir forgive me." She slightly bowed her head with a tiny curtsie. "My name is Sparrow Bloodmoon."
"James Kidd lass."
"It was nice to meet you Mister Kidd but I must be going."
Sparrow quickly walked away from the strange James. She wondered why he wasn't dressed for the party. He was dressed like a...
"Ladies and gentleman presenting his majesty the King!"
Sparrow saw her cousin step from the shadows with a bright smile on his face. Just at that moment a shot was fired. Screams erupted the room, everyone started racing toward the doors but pirates blocked the way. Anyone who tried to escape was killed. Sparrow watched in horror as a man was killed before her eyes for trying to run. She was frozen in place, her body screamed to run but she was to terrified to move. She felt herself starting to shake in fear.
"Sparrow!" Her fathers voice filled her ears. She turned her head to see her father waving over the crowd. This urged her to move, she ran toward her father.
"Father!" Her voice was high from terror. She tried to race toward him, but the crowd kept shoving her in many directions. She saw soldiers grab her father and escort him through the crowd.
"SPARROW!" His voice let out her name before he disappeared. Sparrow felt truly afraid now that her father had vanished. She searched around the people, shoving them out of her way. She looked and looked but there was no sign of him anywhere. Another gun shot sounded. Sparrow yanked her head in the direction it fired, only to see James with a gun held up. Laughing. Sparrow stared at him with horror. His eyes drifted across the crowd and landed on her. He flashed a smile, a devilish smile.
Then everything went black....

James Kidd (Mary Read) X OCWhere stories live. Discover now