I Think I Love You

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Ever since Sparrow and James talked she had felt a certain feeling toward him. A feeling she could and couldn't control. Love. She wasn't scared of it. She was excited, she was feeling something new. Something amazing that she didn't want to let go of. Every time he left her in her 'room.' She felt a longing for him. She wanted him. NEEDED HIM! As if she couldn't live without him. Sparrow sat on the floor sighing and humming a sweet lullaby. James had been in her head for days. Yet she was scared to admit her feelings to him. Afraid he would reject her and ignore her. Scared that he was with someone. Scared that he would leave her when they we're together. So many thoughts swirled her mind. So many... She heard her lock on the door click. Her heart started to pound. James was coming to let her out. When the door opened she fought to hold back her smile until she saw it wasn't James at all. Just one of his crew.
"Captain told me to let you out." Sparrow got up from the floor and walked outside. She smell of the salty sea filling her nostrils.
"Where is James?"
"His cabin. He said he had a lot on his mind and that he needed to think."
"Oh." Sadness filled Sparrow. Was he trying to stay away from her? Sparrow shook her head. She could live without James for one day. So she walked around the ship, counted the cracks on the wood, and even sang with the crew. When night fell the crew started to drink and forgot to put Sparrow to her 'room.' So she took a bottle of rum and went to James' door. She knocked a pattern on the door.
"James? It's Sparrow. Can I come in?"
"Come in love." Sparrow entered the cabin only to see James bent over his map.
"What are you doing?"
"Deciding our next move..." Sparrow only nodded. The conversation died off quickly so Sparrow decided to change it.
"I have rum!" She smiled. James looked up from the map to the bottle and smiled.
"Good, I could use some." She handed him the bottle. He opened the bottle and pointed it toward Sparrow seeing if she wanted some. She simply shook her head and James shrugged. He lifted to bottle to his mouth, threw his head slight back and took 3 huge gulps. Sparrow was amazed that he could do that. With one taste of rum and she would be sick. But he is a pirate, and lives it rough on the sea. He continued to drink. First, he was tipsy. Second, he couldn't walk. Third, he couldn't stand. He had his head on Sparrows shoulder just staring up at her.
"You're pretty. Like really pretty." His words slurred. Sparrow could smell the rum on his breath. It was revolting to her. But she simply smiled and replied "Thank you." James sang drunkenly, messing up most of the lyrics. And instead of Sparrow he called her Spar-Oh. Rum really got to him.
"James?" Sparrow asked.
"Can I tell you something?"
"Anything." She took a few deep breaths.
"I think I-." Snore. She looked at James and sure enough he was passed out on her shoulder snoring softly. She felt hurt, but at the same time relieved. She laid him down on his bed and took the rum from his hand.
"Goodnight sweet James." Sparrow bent down and slightly kissed him on the top of his head. As she left she could have sworn she saw him smile.

Next Morning

Sparrow sat in her room, which now had a bed and mirror placed in there by James earlier that morning, she thought of how to tell James. Face to face? A letter? Anything? She felt so confused. Her stomach was twisting on the insides. She wanted to puke. To do anything to get out of talking to him. Her heart gave a nervous pattern. She was truly terrified. The door let that usual click sound, and it opened.
"Mornin' love." James greeted her with his usual smile. She smiled back at him hoping to hide her fear.
"As to you James."
"Listen 'bout last night, I'm sorry I was drunk."
"It's fine. I understand you needed it." James chuckled and widened the door, seeing if she wanted out. Sparrow stood up from her bed and walked onto the familiar deck. She felt a strong breeze which whipped her hair around her face.
"Want to help me steer the ship?" James asked. Sparrow whipped her head to him, smiling.
"Of course!" James chuckled and lead her to the wheel. He showed her were to put her hands, and showed her how to steer. To make sure she got it, he put his hands over hers. Sparrows heart by now was pounding in her chest. She felt like melting. She felt like kissing him. She felt like...
"Captain! We have spotted Edward Kenways ship!" One of his crew members cried.
"Kenway? Sorry lass have to take over from her." Sparrow pouted and pulled away from the wheel so James could take control. He brought us closer to a ship that had a sign that read "Jackdaw." Sparrow watched the ship curiously as they got closer. When they we're right next to the ship she saw a blonde man at the wheel. This must have been Edward. Then she saw an African man next to him. A quartermaster? Was that what they we're called?
"Why Kenway what a surprise to see you around here!"
"Same to you Kidd! May I ask who the lass is next to you?"
"Sparrow Bloodmoon." I answered for James. Edwards eyes seemed to widen at this.
"My my, long way from aren't ye lass?" Edward said. Sparrow only nodded to Edward.
"What are you after today Edward?" James asked.
"Riches of course." Edward smiled.
"Well I won't keep you." Sparrow could tell James hated Edwards answer.
"Till next time James." Edwards ship drifted away from ours.
"Wish he would stop working for money and only money." James hissed. Sparrow didn't speak, she didn't want to say the wrong thing. Instead she stared at Edwards ship as it sailed away. She agreed with James in truth. Money was poison. She had grown up with everything she wanted, but still felt empty. She wondered if Edward would discover that.
"Would you like to steer again?" James asked.
"No, I was hoping we could talk. Alone."
"Of course love." James let one of his crew members steer the ship as they walked to the other end of the ship.
"What did ya need?" He asked once they were at the end.
"James, we haven't known each other long and this is quick but," James raised an eyebrow, "I think I love you." The words shocked James. He was stiff. Sparrow thought she had scared him, she was about to apologize until he smiled at her. Lovingly. Sparrows heart started to speed up. James wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled Sparrow closer. He lowered his face closer to hers. Sparrows heart was now pounding in her chest. James' lips were so close to hers. He had stopped lowering his head, teasing Sparrow. Sparrow let out a tiny whimper, but James didn't move. Sparrow took matters into her own hands and slammed their lips together. Their lips move in sync with each other. Sparrow felt the world disappear around them, she felt as if she could explode. Sparrow pulled him in closer, not wanting to break her first kiss. It felt like the kiss would last forever until James pulled away panting a little. He flashed her a smile and spoke...
"I think I love you too."

Raise your hand if you kinda screamed at the end of this chapter. I did and I wrote it! Can't wait to continue writing like oh meh gosh. I have become absorbed in the story that I stopped watching TV xD. Well I hoped you enjoyed this chapter guys. Byeeee!

James Kidd (Mary Read) X OCWhere stories live. Discover now