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Sparrow had waited till everyone was asleep. She took a hair pin from her hair and lock picked the door. 'Dad's lessons did pay off.' She thought. She slowly crept over the deck trying not to make a sound. When she stepped and heard a creak she would immediately stop moving and wait, then walk again. She had crept to this tube for saving people from downing, which they used multiple times on Sparrow. She slid the tube of the nail holding it up, and put it around her waist. She slowly climbed to the ledge and waited a few minutes, then jumped. The water was freezing when it hit her body. It felt as if icicles were stabbing her. She didn't move due the pain. After a few minutes or so she slowly started swimming. Each movement sent pain through her body. If she didn't reach warmth she would surely freezing to death. She took a glance at the ship but decided not to go back. She had got so far. The plan was working, it just wasn't the best plan. She kept swimming till she heard a certain yell.
"Are you fuckin' crazy?!"
Shite. She had been caught.
She felt a tug on the tube and remembered that she had forgotten to cut the rope connected to it. So her plan was a failure. She kept feeling tugs and then she was in the air being pulled back to the deck of the ship. Sparrow sighed. 'Another fail.' She thought miserably. She felt someone wrap their arms around her and yank her out of the dangling tube.
"You are insane! You know that?!" James voice was full of anger. Sparrow was shivering, not out of fear but the damn wind blowing against her.
"Do you know you could have DIED?!"
"Maybe we can talk about the when," her voice shook, "I'm dry and warm?" Sparrow had wrapped her arms around herself trying to keep warm. James just looked at her and sighed. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to his cabin.
"I've got towels in here." When they entered the cabin Sparrow examined the room. She saw clothes, and table with a map over it, and a bed. The rest was boxes and sheets. James let go of her arm and walked behind a few boxes and came back with a towel. He wrapped it around her shoulders. The warm feeling of the towel made Sparrow sigh in relief.
"What were you thinking? Are you that idiotic? You could have died!"
"How did you hear me?"
"The splash when you jumped."
"Of course." Sparrow mumbled. She really didn't think her planning through.
"At least your alive."
"Why does it matter if I'm alive or not?! I don't have the information you need!" James was silent looking as if he was hiding something.
"I guess I've grown fond of having you around love." Sparrow couldn't help but blush. She had always had men after her, but this was different to her. None ever showed true fondness. She felt a strange flutter in her chest. She had never felt this before. What was it?
"It's just nice having you here. You really nice to have around." Sparrow sent him the first smile he has from her. She liked feeling wanted. It was new. It was exciting!
"You probably think I crazy in the head now ye?"
"No of course not!" James smiled at this. After hours of chatting and getting to know each other Sparrow felt fond of James as well.
"Can I ask you something Sparrow?" James spoke her name so softly, so delicately.
"Where did you get your name?" Sparrow smiled at this. She was always asked why her name was Sparrow. She loved telling to.
"My mother died at birthing me. My father was devastated, he felt as if his heart would give out on him. The doctor never gave him news of me, so my father worried and worried. Till finally I was brought out to him. A healthy baby girl," Sparrow smiled, " father was so relieved that he had a piece of my mother. So he named me after what he called her, Sparrow."
"Why had he called her Sparrow?"
"I don't know..." Sparrow looked down at the floor. James patted her back lightly.
"Well the name suits you love." Sparrow smiled at James. For once her and him have gotten along. For once she had fallen in love.

Sorry it was short guys! >.< I have been busy lately and tired. Can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter! I don't want to spoil what happens. So byeeeee!

James Kidd (Mary Read) X OCWhere stories live. Discover now