Loving Durleys

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The night Lily and James Potter were killed Dumbledore left their child, Harry, with the Dursleys hoping that their hatred towards magic will make them mistreat the poor infant. He was wrong. 

When Petunia Dursley opened her door and found her sleeping nephew she vowed to love him no matter how different he may be. He was Flesh and Blood and family to Petunia meant the world. Vernon and Dudley took having Harry around very well and loved him as if he was theirs.

When Harry was around three he told his aunt something she didn't understand at first. He said his name was Hadilyn and that he was a girl. Petunia dove head first into researching what he meant. She found that what he was trying to say. Harry is a transgender girl. Her name is Hady and they were to use female pronouns and treat her like any other young lady. Petunia was excited at the opportunity to raise a daughter. She explained to Vernon and Dudley what was going on and told them to treat her as such. Vernon was happy to have a young daughter to dote on and Dudley was happy to have a younger sister to protect. The Dursleys loved their little girl and would fight for her. let's just state that Dumbledore messed up.

Hadilyn Lillith RiddleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora