A letter and a trip to Gringotts

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A few months after Hady was excepted by her family a letter came by owl. It was addressed to Hady and her aunt read it carefully.

              'Dear Harry Potter,

                     We here at Gringotts bank wish to congratulate you on finding your true self. We would like to have a meeting with you and your guardian at you earliest convenience, to discuss the magical means in which you can transition as well as preform an inheritance test. this letter is portkey the password is 'gallon'. We hope to be seeing you soon,

                                                                              Ragnok king of the goblin nation'

Petunia knew of the goblins and their bank. She new they were an honest species and decided it was good for Hady to go see them. She helped Hady dress before activating the portkey. They landed in the lobby of the bank a bit shaken but fine. A goblin came and escorted them to Ragnok office. Ragnok had them take a seat before getting down to business.

        "Miss. Dursley thank you for arriving so promptly. the first thing we need to do is an inheritance test. it will tell us all the young miss will be inheriting and if there are any blocks or glamores on her." He explained. Petunia smiled at him and gave her consent. The Goblin pricked Hady's finger gently drawing fourth seven drops of blood. Hady didn't even flinch, she looked as though she expected this to happen. Ragnok gasped at what appeared on the parchment. There were several glamours and blocks. He had been expecting those. But the shocker was who Hady's parents were. "Mrs. Dursley it would appear that young miss Potter isn't a Potter at all." Petunia gasped.
  "May I see the parchment sir?" She asked. Ragnok nodded handing her the parchment. It stated...
     'Name: Hadilyn Lillith Riddle
      Mother: Lily Evans(dead)
      Father: Tom Riddle(alive)
           -Memory block from 1 day old to 1 year
           -Magical core block 90%
           -Creature block 100%
           -Gender block 100%{broken}
            -Photographic memory block 100% {broken}
            -Seer block 100% {broken}
            -Mate bond block 100%
         -Facial structure

         -Mate: Luna Lovegood

  "Now Mrs dursley we can unblock all of the things listed. We can also preform a gender change ritual. It's permanent and no one can ever undo it. We recommend getting the glamours off first. Now how do you wish to proceed?" Ragnok asked after petunia was done reading the paper. Petunia looked to Hady to see how she wanted to proceed. Hady smiled and turned to Ragnok. Talking for the first time since they got there.
   "I wish to have the blocks and glamours removed first. Then the gender change ritual. If you would be alright providing me with said things your majesty?" She told the goblin, much to maturely for her age. Ragnok smiled at the child. He recognized her seer ability and that she knew what was to come of these events. Ragnok nodded and led her away from petunia and down a hallway to a ritual chamber. They had her put on a night gown and lay on the stone slap in the middle of the room. The blocks ritual went first. Hady cried from the pain but held firm as they moved on to her glamours. The glamours were nice and painless to remove. Then the one she was looking the most forward to. The gender change. It felt as if her body was being turned inside out and put back before getting stabbed in the dick. She ended up passing out from the pain. When she woke she looked into the mirror that the goblins placed in front of her. She had long curly bright red hair and silvery eyes that looked as if she were blind. She had a cute button nose and pale porcelain skin with freckles dotting the surface at random. She felt for her magic and found it unblocked and free. Her creature longed for her mate but she would wait. She felt the link to her father that came with her creature and pulled on it. Her father was startled but asked were she was. She told him what had happened to her and were she was. He said that he was glad she was a live and agreed to keep the connection open at all time that way he can see her through her whole childhood. Now we wait.

(But her eyes are clouded over)

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(But her eyes are clouded over)

Hadilyn Lillith RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now