The years before Hogwarts

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Over the years Hady had grown just as any young girl would. She was beautiful and well mannered.
   She was very intelligent too. When she was 7 she was placed in her final year of muggle schooling. Later graduating at age 8. Also when she was 7 she sat her master's for potions, passing with the highest scores ever seen.
   She was entered into pageants and talent competitions by petunia who was nothing but proud of her little girl. Vernon and Dudley would always be there cheering her on from the audience and after giving her a bouquet of lillies and roses.
   Petunia also placed her into music classes from walking age. Little Hady took to the violin like no one before her.
   She became known as Britain's smartest child. She was even invited to meet the Queen. The Queen loved the little girl instantly.
   Hady took her ladyship rings with her to show her majesty. The queen was shocked that this young lady was of royal decent. It was explained to her that Hady was from the magical side of the crown. Her Majesty understood and arranged for the two to have tea each Saturday morning.
   At the age of six Hady's father sent her a staff. The staff used to belong to Merlin their ancestor. She instantly knew how to wield it and hide it. She mastered the staff completely with the input from her dad through their link.
  Hady enrolled to a university for the musical arts and graduated at the age of 10. She composed at least 40 pieces before she even started uni.
   She was actually having tea with the queen, who aloud her to call her Gram, when her Hogwarts letter arrived. Having made Hady the Royal mage the queen was not fazed when Hady enlarged her staff to in check the letter for curses or compulsions. Finding nun she sat next to her majesty on the couch and opened it with her. The envelope was made of thick parchment as was the letter. It was addressed to
'Lady Hadilyn L. Riddle
Family Tea Room
Buckingham palace
London, England'

The letter stated,
   'Dear Ms. Riddle,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been excepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books of equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31.
      Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
   Deputy Headmistress'

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