Chapter 7

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-The next day-

Kaya’s P.O.V

My head is pounding. It feels like my head is going to explode. I slowly opened my eyes. There was little light in the room, but it still hurt my head even more. “Kaya, you’re awake” a familiar voice said. I groaned.

“Yeah” I mumbled. My throat was dry.

“Here this might help” someone said as they handed me a glass of water. I slowly sat up. My vision blurred.

“Thanks” I mumbled as I grabbed the glass of water. I put the glass to my lips and chugged down the water. It felt really good having that cold water running down my dry throat. I didn’t realize how thirsty I was until the water was gone seconds later. The person laughed.

“You sure were thirsty. I’ll have Tessi bring in some more” the person said as they grabbed the glass of water. I heard the person stand up and open the door. My vision was still blurry. I couldn’t tell who the person was, let alone where I’m at. “Here’s some more water” the person said, putting the glass of water into my hands.

“Thank you” I said. My voice was raspy. Again I chugged the glass of water like it was nothing. After I was done drinking the water, I set the glass down, and focused my attention on the person. I could barely make out who it was. “Kisuke” I said.

“Yeah it’s me” said Kisuke, laughing. I groaned as another shock of pain ran through my head.

“What happened?” I asked. Kisuke sighed.

“Some guy attacked you and Rangiku, knocking you both out cold. Mashiro and Kensei found you guys. Kensei ended up beating the crap out of the guy” explained Kisuke. I rubbed my temples, trying to remember what happened.

“Who was the guy?” I asked. I notice Kisuke shrug.

“I don’t know. Rangiku said she didn’t know who he was either. The only thing that doesn’t make sense is why he was in the girls’ bathroom” said Kisuke. That’s when it came back to me. Me walking into the girls’ bathroom because I was looking for Rangiku, but instead of finding just her, I found her making out with the guy who attacked us.

“Why did she say she didn’t know him?” I asked myself. Kisuke gave me a questionable look. “Never mind, don’t pay attention to me. Hey, where is Rangiku at anyways?” I asked.

“She’s with Shuhei in the other room. Why?” asked Kisuke. I tossed the blankets that were on me and slowly stood up. I stumbled though. Luckily Kisuke caught me. “You shouldn’t be getting up just yet Kaya. You had a really bad concussion” said Kisuke.

“I need to talk to Rangiku” I said. Kisuke sighed.

“Kaya, you can talk to her when you have recovered, but now is not the time” said Kisuke. I looked up at Kisuke.

“I need to know why she lied” I said.

“What are you talking about?” asked Kisuke. I shrugged Kisuke off of me and headed towards the door.

“Nothing” I said. I opened the door and made my way to Rangiku’s room. Once there I knocked. Moments later Shuhei opened the door.

“Kaya” said Shuhei, questionably. I semi-smiled.

“Hey, Shuhei” I said. Shuhei walked out of the room and into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

“What are you doing here? You shouldn’t even be walking around right now” asked Shuhei. I looked away from him. I don’t know if I could tell him that Rangiku cheated on him. I mean I know he has a right to know, but it’s going to seriously hurt him and I don’t want to do that.

Is our love strong enough?(Ichigo Kurosaki sequal)Where stories live. Discover now