Chapter 13

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Ichigo's P.O.V

"Who knew she was that strong" I mumbled in disbelief. I knew that Kaya was strong in her soul reaper form and even when she just had her hollow mask on, but seeing Kaya's full arrancar form was honestly terrifying.

"Well hopefully her hollow form takes care of you after you're done spilling the truth" Hichigo spat. I flinched at his sudden coldness. It was different than any other time he's snapped at me coldly. It was like he really didn't care if I lived or died, even though me dying would mean he would die himself.

"That's enough, both of you. I'm growing tired of seeing you both at each other's throat" Zangetsu said, annoyance laced in his tone. Hichigo let out a loud huff and disappeared to god knows where. He's been gone a lot here lately. I've always been curious as to where he went that I couldn't sense him. I mean he is in my spirit world after all, I should be able to know where he is. But no matter how hard I tried to find him, I couldn't.

"I guess I should go check on Alex" I said. I released my shika form, sheathed my sword, and began walking to the entrance of the training grounds.

"I honestly think that you should leave." I stopped suddenly in tracks. I was surprised that I didn't sense her sooner. I turned my head slightly, finally taking notice to Lisa sitting on a rock glaring at me.

"I need to know if Alex is okay" I told her. Lisa's eyes narrowed.

"You have done enough damage for today, Ichigo. Do not make me say it again when I said that you need to leave" Lisa said. My body froze at her tone. I've never heard Lisa's tone become deadly. And I've never really seen her mad before. But now suddenly seeing her mad and out for blood not only shocked me but scared me at the same time.

"Fine, I will go" I said not wanting to risk an argument with her. Lisa didn't seem to acknowledge what I said as she got up and left the training ground. I sighed heavily. I really messed things up, didn't I? Well of course I did. Everyone loves Kaya and Alex like family, and I messed with their family, so of course everyone would want to kill me. I would be the same way if someone hurt my two sisters. Before I could start walking again to head out of the training grounds, I felt my pocket vibrate. I quickly fished my phone out of my pocket and opened it. My heart fell to my stomach as I read the message.

"Great" I mumbled, shutting my phone. This was going to be a very long night I thought as I flashed stepped out of the training grounds and out of the Vizards hideout.

Kaya's P.O.V

"He is going to be fine Kaya, I promise" Hachi repeated. I was thankful that Alex didn't get hurt too badly, just some minor cuts and bruises, but nothing serious.

"Thank you" I mumbled, giving Hachi a weak smile. Hachi nodded his head and got back to healing Alex. I stood up from the chair that I placed beside Alex's bedside and walked out of the room, giving Hachi his space and some quite time so he could focus on Alex.

"Are you going to be put her back in her cage?" A voice questioned, causing Shi-Sei to growl dangerously. She hated the thought of going back into her cage that I kept her in.

"Well maybe if you would behave more, I wouldn't have to do that" I told her. I could feel the annoyance radiating off of her.

"Well maybe if you didn't keep me locked up all the time, I would" she snapped. I rolled my eyes at her. I really wasn't in the mood to argue with her. And in all honestly it never got me anywhere anyways. She is the most stubborn person I have ever came across. And that's saying something coming from me. I glanced over at Shinji and grinned.

"You do realize she now wants a taste of you" I told him. Shinji chuckled.

"I always enjoyed pushing her buttons" he responded. I let out a light laugh and rolled my eyes. 

"You keep saying that until one day she does snap at you and either hurts you badly or kills you" I told him. Shinji walked over and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Ah but I think she enjoys it a little more than she's letting on. And besides, she loves me too much to even think about killing me" he said causing both Shi-Sei and I to laugh. "But on a serious note" Shinji paused, his eyes glancing around the hallway to see if anyone was around. It was like he didn't want to be overheard. "I understand Alex's anger" Shinji whispered. My body tensed. I quickly got out of Shinji's gripped and spun around to face him.

"You overheard their conversation?" I asked. Shinji nodded his head yes. "What was it about?" I quickly asked. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to know, I needed to know. It was driving me insane.

"I don't want to be the one doing this, Kaya" Shinji whispered. I could tell that he was really hurt. It caused my heart to break. If whatever it was that Alex and Ichigo talked about hurt Shinji, then how would it affect me if I knew? Well obviously it was bad enough to set my little brother off.

"I need to know" I pleaded. Shinji closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

"You deserve to know but I don't think that it should come from me" Shinji said. I growled in frustration.

"Well I would ask Ichigo but clearly he left" I snapped causing Shinji to flinch at my harshness.

"I believe he went to Orihimes" Kensei said as he rounded the corner. I didn't say anything more to the both of them. Instead I spun on my heels and quickly walked out of the hideout. Ichigo was going to tell me what the hell was going on. And since he won't do it on his own terms, it looks like I'm just going to have to hunt him down and force it out of him.

Shinji's P.O.V

"Do you realize what is going to happen when Kaya gets there and finds them two together?" I questioned Kensei. Kensei shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care. But I could see that he wanted to be the one hunting Ichigo down and killing him. I could also see his worry for Kaya. We both knew once she got to Orihimes that her heart was going to be more than just broken, it was going to be completely shattered.

"He should have just had enough balls to tell her himself. If he did I wouldn't have to be the one that contributed in hurting her" Kensei said softly. I could see that he didn't want to be the one hurting Kaya.

"You're not the one hurting her, he is" I told him as I placed my hand on his shoulder to offer him some reassurance. Kensei looked over at me and nodded. He always grew quite when he was in his emotions. "And we will all be here for her" I told him.

"I know" he mumbled. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily.

Oh Ichigo, what have you done?

Is our love strong enough?(Ichigo Kurosaki sequal)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant