Chapter 14

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Ichigo's P.O.V

It broke my heart seeing Orihime upset, but at the same time my blood was pumping in rage. I thought I told the both of them to let me handle things, but I guess they weren't true to their words. "Well what did you except, King?" Hichigo questioned smugly. I growled in annoyance.

"I don't have time for you" I snapped. Hichigo just continued to laugh at me. He was seriously enjoying this. I closed my eyes and let out a heavy sigh. "Look Orihime, I didn't mean for things to go that far with her" I told her. Orihime glared at me.

"You mean you didn't mean to sleep with her?" She snapped. She paused and took a calming breath before continuing. "When you told me that we needed a break, I knew it was because of Kaya. I've always known about your feelings for her after all I'm the one that was there picking up the pieces when she left. And honestly I didn't mean to have feelings for you, but I couldn't stop them no matter how hard I tired. So I gave you your space to figure out your feelings. But when you came over to my house and you were crying saying that you don't think that you could be with someone who's already destroyed you once before. I thought that you meant you were done with her completely. I mean that's what you've been telling me" Orihime paused and let out a deep sigh. "But come to find out you just wanted us both. You've been with her and then with me when you're not with her. I never thought that you would do that, but I guess people are wrong sometimes about who they think someone is."

"Orihime I-"

"No Ichigo, right now I need time to think. Because as of right now I've never felt so broken in my life. You did this to me. But don't worry, I won't tell Kaya" Orihime said, interrupting what I was saying. My heart fell to my stomach. I hadn't meant for things to go this far. I hadn't meant for anyone to get hurt, but I guess I was just being selfish.

"Well it's nice to know that no one in this damn world knows how to be honest." Orihime and I both froze, our eyes diverting to the door that I though was locked. Kaya was still in her arrancar form. And you could easily tell from looking at her that she was more than just hurt, she was thirsty for blood.

"Kaya" I whispered. Kaya's eyes diverted from Orihime to me. I've never felt so much fear in my life. But right at this very moment, I was afraid of Kaya snapping.

"You both have a wonderful life" Kaya snapped causing the both of us to flinch at the harshness that was in her tone. Kaya quickly spun around on her feels and flash stepped out of Orihime's apartment before either of us could say anything.

"Ichigo, I'm sorry" Orihime mumbled. I turned to her and gave her a weak smile.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Orihime. This is all my fault. So I'm the one that should be saying sorry" I told her, letting out a heavy sigh. "I will give you your space" I told her before flash stepping out of her apartment. I didn't want to hear if she had anything more to say. In all honesty my heart couldn't take much more, but I guess I deserve it.

Things will never be the same..
I've destroyed the best things that have ever come into my life over my own stupidity..
And for that, I am sorry..

Authors note; I'm sorry for such a short chapter😅. Please don't be mad. I quickly wrote it on my lunch break when the idea for the story hit me. But I hope you all enjoy, let me know what you think!😄

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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