Chapter 12a: Axial tilt (part 1)

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Axial tilt (part 1)

"Hey! I was starting to wonder if you were coming after all," Bri greeted me when I joined her in the middle of the third row of the visitor stands a few minutes later.

The one small section of metal bleachers on this side of the field was already starting to fill up--probably because Jewel had done so much better than expected last week.

"I mean, the team's starting to warm up," she continued as I sat down. "I'm sure the coaches are getting antsy because Rigel's not--oh, there he is."

Of course my head whipped around when she said that, in time to see him trotting onto the field. I wondered how he'd changed so fast.

"Where's Deb?" I asked, forcing my attention back to Bri.

"She couldn't come. She told us. Both of us, but I guess you didn't hear her. As usual. So," she continued, looking more closely at me, "were you two making out?"

"What?" I was sure I'd waited long enough that it wouldn't be obvious, but of course when she said that, I felt my face heat. I probably looked guilty as sin. Too late to deny it. "Um, not exactly. Just a, um, quick kiss for luck."

"Hey, I'm the last person to blame you," she said, throwing up her hands to stop my stammering. "I mean, who wouldn't want to--" She broke off at the look on my face and shrugged. "Sorry."

I forced a smile, though I was still embarrassed--and a little irritated. "That's okay. We stopped for dinner on the way and it made us a few minutes late, I guess."

"Yeah, well, it's not like Coach Glazier will throw him off the team for it." Now I was sure there was a sour edge to her tone.

"It's not like he was late on purpose. And he did clear it with the coach ahead of time--coming separately, I mean."

"So you could ride with him?"

I stared at her. "Bri, what is up with you? Are you pissed about me riding with Rigel after all?"

Now it was her turn to blush. Red crept up her neck to her ears as she looked away from me. "Why would I be pissed? I think it's great that Rigel likes you."

"You're not acting like it."

"Sorry," she said again, though she didn't quite look at me. "I guess I'm just not in a great mood today."

"What's wrong?" I wanted to watch Rigel out on the field, but Bri was my friend and if she needed to talk, it was my duty to listen.

"It's just--nah, it's nothing. Just . . . PMS or something."

I frowned at her for a long moment, wondering if I should try harder to make her spill whatever it was, but she turned away to watch the players, so I gave up--for the moment. Besides, it meant I could turn my own attention to the field . . . and Rigel.

The pull I felt toward him was stronger than ever. In fact, it was nearly impossible for me not to stare at him. I knew, intellectually, that should bother me, but somehow it didn't. I just feasted my eyes on him with pure pleasure, enjoying the way he moved. A little sigh escaped me when the coach called them off the field before the start of the game. Unfortunately, Bri heard it.

"I'm starting to worry about you, Marsha," she said, again with that edge in her voice. "I mean, I know Rigel is your first boyfriend and all, but it's like he's got you hypnotized or something. You're not acting like yourself at all lately."

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