Chapter 1

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Percys POV
my name is percy jackson it's been 1 year since i married annabeth and we have our first baby girl well our first twins...

Alexis and Madson are twins as you can already guess  Alexis did not look healthy barly breathing  when they took her and Madson  to go have them tested I can only pray to Apollo that they she and Madson are  healthy.

I am pacing the room worried about my new born chidren untill the doctor comes into the room with a grave expression on his face I knew somthing was wrong I yelled at the scared doctor what was going on with my children

Well he said with sadness in his eyes it is too late to save Alexis. She was born  breathing barly  we did all we could Mr Jackson I'm sorry and with that he handed me madson and walked out the room.

Percy I hear annabeths voice can i see Madson and Alexis she says happily I look into her stormy grey eyes with sadness in my own Annabeth I say handing her Madson Alexis she...did not make it I say avoiding her eyes she says barely a wisper I hope hades takes care of her with that she burst out crying Madson joind his mother crying and all I can hope Alexis happy in Hades relm

Third person's POV
Well hello little Alexis you are cute just like your mother oh how I miss her stormy grey eyes. From the moment you were born I knew you were more powerful than Madson and your parents put together that is why I threatened the doctor to take you and give you to me or "my sword will accidently jump out of my hand and kill him".

You see you have the mark of all the gods making you almost as powerful as them i faked my death to my father now he thinks I am dead I cheated death hades let me live again and why he thinks I have changed but I will show them who is more powerful than  they will beg for mercy.

I will raise you as my own daughter you will go to camp half blood as a student and find me away in your new name is Alexis calston

You will kill your father who never loved you and a mother that almost killed you when I saved you and brought you back. hahahaha and you are going  to belive that even though they loved you. you are now mine Alexis.

percy jackson the next generation Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu