Chapter 3

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Alexis POV

I knew you were talking on an iris messege tell me now he scremed as his sword found it's mark on my leg leaving a small gash on the side blood pouring out for it was a small wound but extremly deep.

He gashed at my arm leaving a small not to deep mark but there was blood non the less the worse was when he smashed the side of his sword on my head I fell down the world turning to a blur.

He left after saying you are going to camp tomorrow I can't stand you and with that he turned around and i swear I heard a feint wisper lucky you are part of my plan or you would have died long ago.

He must of thought I fainted but I got up adrenalin surging through me determend to get out of this hell hole I picked up metaphorge my dagger and cleaned most of my wounds with great difficulty swearing under my breath in ancient Greek.

I slowly got to the door my fingernails dig into the wood I am in so much pain because of my gashes on my body I am barly able to walk.

I would have been in ripulies for the biggest headache ever litrily I felt my eyes will into my head and i fought I knew I must get out of here.

I walked to the back door opened it slowly and walked out in to the cold winters day i suddenly see a huge black Pegasus landing in front of me it bowed it's head my boss sent me for you my lady he says I am stoked a Pegasus can talk umm...sure can you get me to percy I mean my father sure thing my lady got any apples oh and a man is running behind you with a mad look in his eye what I say my eyes wide with terrer I climb on his back he is warm and smells like the ocean.

I get on his back now how about those appels... not now blackjack I litrily screamed he is going to kill you and hurt me more the tears running down my face.

Just as my exfather was going to bring hia sword down on us blackjack tab the other way and started to fly WOW I thought to myself.

He never realy took me outside only to practice my powers and now I see I was missing the beautiful seanery after about 2 hours which honestly feels like 3 minutes blackjack landed In some beautiful red roses minus the thorns.

After playing with blackjack we set of to meet my real mother my real father I was nervous would they like me would they hate me I am wrapped up in my own thoughts and i don't notice my parents running to me with another boy who looks exactly like me all I can think is now I have a real family who hopefully cares about me.

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