Chapter 2

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Alexis POV

I wake up on the stone cold floor my father said we don't have enough money to buy me anything but clothes even though he has a gold watch and a king size bed I suspect he is lying to me I have never trusted him and i never will.

He does not know this but I remember my mother telling me it will all be over and my real dad hugging me before giving me to an old doctor who gave me to this self-absorbed "father" of mine.

ALEXIS CALSTAN get down here this instant he shouted and a tear runs down my check he has abused me I know my real parents would never do it I smiled knowing I will see them again.

"father's" POV

I sighed knowing I was harsh on her but I do everything for her I even let her live in my mansion it has been a half an hour already I hear roaring upstairs I rush holding she isn't badly hurt I need her for my master plan .

Alexis POV

As I was ready to go down stairs my hand was in the door knob and then soneone iris messaged me it said 1 dracma please strange I thought I don't know anyone besides father reluctantly I threw in my only emergency dracma.

A man with black hair and sea green eyes appered and a woman with brownish hair and stormy grey eyes and instantly rememberd the people from my dream these were my parents.

H...hello I stutterd and they looked up see u told you perce iris messeges always work but said the man proberly perce i did not think it will work ummm...I'm still here you know I say breathlessly.

Hello my dear begain the women I am annabeth and this is percy by anychance to you know who your tap parents are I finally said is your name Alexis  calston ummm...yes but Alex for short. well i we think you may be our daughter Alexis Jackson.

Maybe I say hoping it is true great says percy litrily yelling can you meet us at camp half blood sure I say not knowing what else to say but how do you know I am your daughter.

Well begain Annabeth we want to the oricale of Delphi who said your adoptive father was someone we thought to be dead someone by the name of CALSTAN she litrily shouted out that part

calm down says percy I will send you my Pegasus blackjack he will help you he will find you if you really are out daughter .

Oh and i see you have a dagger says Annabeth smiling just like your mother.

I slash through the message saying goodbye and it roared like a Dragon I guess iris hates sythran iron I knew I was in troble when I heard my father running up the stairs I silently prey to the gods he won't hurt me.

as I ended my prayr he stood in my room eyes filled with hatred and he took out his sword ready to slash at me again fear flooded my face and anger in his own.

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