(Blue) Inkling Boy x Female Inkling Reader

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(Ok, this is my first one-shot, so I hope you all enjoy this. Sorry, if there are any grammar errors, I'll try to fix them later if I have time. I'll stop talking and let you people read. Enjoy.)

(Y/N)'s Pov.

I'm on my way to the tower, so I can play Turf War with my friends Tina, Diana, and John. They are actually good friends of mine. We all met in a Turf War match when we were going against the other team. After we won the match, we started hanging out at the Inkopolis Plaza to get to know each other better. Tina likes to use her Splat Roller because she said that 'rolling is her specialty'. She can be really hyper sometimes. Diana likes to use her Splat Charger because she told me that she has been practicing for a while. She's actually pretty smart. And John likes to use his Jet Squelcher because he said that it looks pretty cool to handle one. He's pretty tough. And I thought 'these inklings are really kind'.

Anyways, I arrived at the tower to see my friends waiting for me. They had seen me coming up to them, so they smiled and waved at me. I did the same as I smiled and waved back.

"So, (y/n), do you want to know who we're going against?" Said Diana. "Who?" You asked. "We're going against Blu's team!" Exclaimed Tina. "Him and his team are the ones who keep winning most of the Turf War events and it kinda makes me angry." John said in a irritating tone. "So, where is Blu and his team?" You asked. "He and his team are right over there, next to the entrance to the tower." Said Diana pointing to a group.

I looked at the group and I see two girls and two boys standing together and talking to each other. One of the girls have an Inkbrush and the other has a Slosher. One of the boys have a Mini Splatling and the other has a Splattershot. I'm guessing the one who's holding the Splattershot is Blu.

When I saw him, I blushed a little. I thought 'wow, he looks nice and cute..- wait, what I'm I saying! Come on (y/n), pull yourself together!'

When he turned around and looked at me, his cheeks were pink and turned back around.

'Were his cheeks pink just a second ago, or am I just making it up. Probably making it up.' I thought.

"Hey (y/n), are you feeling alright?" Asked John. I turned around to see my friends a little worried about me. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry." I said smiling. "Are you sure, you look a little red on your face." Said Diana. "It's this heat that's getting to me." I lied. "Don't worry, we'll cool down and get something to drink, after we're done with the match." Said John smiling. "Yeah, plus, it's Summer and it's like 95 degrees." Said Diana waving her hand to her face to cool herself off. '*sigh* good thing they bought it' I thought. "Oh My Squid, I so want a squidshake after we're done!"Said Tina, drooling while thinking about squidshakes. We all laughed a little. John said "Haha, ok we'll get you one, now come on, we better get going to our match. It's about to start in a little bit." "Let's do this!" I said "Yeah!" We all cheered. Then we started entering the tower, getting ready for our match against Blu's team.

Blu's pov.

When I saw that inkling girl, my eyes widen. She is the most beautiful inkling that I ever laid eyes on. Her (s/c) reflects off the sun light and how her (f/c) tentacles/hair move slowly in the breeze. I blushed a little the way that I described her.

"Hey Blu, you feeling alright?" Asked Dan. I snapped out of my thoughts to see my friends all have worried looks. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about a plan for the next Turf War match." I lied. "Ok, just so you know, will be going against that group over there." Maria said, pointing to the group who just walked in the tower. 'That was the inkling girl I was just thinking about' I thought.

"They look pretty tough, but we might be able to beat them." Said Emma. "We might? Come on, we have betten mostly every team in Inkopolis, so I'm pretty sure we'll beat them. Right Blu?" Asked Dan. "Probably, we'll have to find out. Anyways, let's head into the tower, our match is about to start." I said. "Right." My teammates said. Then we started heading into the tower

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