(Green) Inkling Boy x Female Inkling Reader

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(Y/n) Pov.

Right now, my friend Andrea and I are heading to the tower to play Turf War. We don't have any other things to do, so we decided to have fun. But, we need two more teammates in order to participate. "Oh boy, we need two more players in our team." Said Andrea. "What are we going to do?" I asked.

"We're going to ask inklings if they want to join our team." "It's going to be a little bit difficult, since most of them have their teams." I said. "We just have to give it a try." She said.

As we entered the tower, we see a lot of groups getting ready for battles. "Ok let's walk around and ask everyone if they want to be in our team." Andrea said. I nodded as we walked.

We have talked to inklings if they want to join our team, but they said 'Sorry, I'm waiting for my friends' or 'No thanks, we're about to walk to our friends'. We both sighed as we kept looking. As we were looking, my eyes caught two boys standing together and talking to each other.

One boy with blue tentacles is wearing a Squidvader cap, a Green Zip Hoodie, and a pair of Red Slip-ons. And the other boy that has green tentacles is wearing Studio Headphones, a Zekko Hoodie, and a pair of Red High-Horses. 'The one with the Zekko Hoodie is pretty cute.' I thought as I blushed.

"Hey (y/n), what are you looking at?" Andrea asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and said "Those two boys standing together." She looked were I was looking at and said "Why don't we ask them to join us?" My cheeks turned pink.

"I'm not so sure..." "Oh come on, it doesn't look like their waiting for anyone." Andrea said. "*Sigh* ok, we'll ask them." Then we started walking where the two boys were at.

When we approached them from behind, I said "Excuse me?" They immediately stopped talking as they both turned around and blushed. "Umm. My name is (y/n) and this is my friend Andrea. We were wondering if you guys want to join us in a Turf War match?"

"Uh... sure. We have nothing to do anyways. By the way, my name is Nick." Said the blue tentacle boy. He then pointed to the green tentacle boy, standing next to him. "And this is my friend Isaac." Isaac shyly waved at us. Andrea and I waved back. "He can be pretty shy when it comes to meeting new people." Nick said.

"There's no need to be shy in front of us. We're really nice to everyone." Andrea said with a smile. Isaac formed a small smile and stuttered out "O-okay." "Alright. Andrea and I will be checking out the stages for today. We'll be right back." I said. "We'll be here waiting." Nick said. "Okay." Then we started walking off.

Nick's Pov.

When (y/n) and Andrea walked further away from us, I smirk and turned to Isaac. He had confusion all over his face. "W-what?" "You like (y/n), don't you?" Once I said that, his eyes widen and his cheeks turned pink. "W-what m-makes you think t-that?" "Dude, I just saw you checking her out." He blushed even more.

"W-what about y-you? I saw you c-checking o-out Andrea." Isaac stuttered out. I also blushed. I do have feelings for Andrea. I sighed, "Well, you got me. Looks like we have feelings for these girls."

I looked behind me to see them coming back. "They're almost back." I said. I looked back to see Isaac tense up. "P-please don't t-tell." He said. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. As long as you keep my secret, ok?" I said. He nodded his head 'yes', as we see them approach us.

(Y/n) Pov.

Andrea and I see Isaac and Nick talking to each other, but instantly shut their mouths once we were next to them. "What were you guys talking about?" I curiously asked. "N-nothing important" Isaac stuttered out. "Are you sure?" "Positive!" Nick quickly responded.

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